Chapter 44- fakes

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Isabelle's POV

I had been going NWCC for about 3 weeks now

It's been quite stressful and I rlly don't handle stress well

I did my normal stuff that I do before I go to school then I met Calum in the car

I hopped out the car as we arrived at the school

"See you later peanut im picking you and brianna up so meet me in the usual place"

Cal said waving me off

"Okay uncle cal bye"

I replied then shut the door

Bri was waiting for me by the main gate looking down at her phone


I said and she did the same back

"I'm excited to come to yours tonight"

She said smiling

After dad found out that I was quite close to Bri he said she can come over which she accepted once I told her

The day went pretty slow but I made it through

Me and Bri walked out of school and over to Calums car

I got into the front seat and bri got in the seat directly behind me

"Have a good day at school?"

Cal asked greeting me

" wasn't bad"

I replied putting on my belt

Bri was sat in the back so I decided to introduce her

"Cal this is brianna, Bri this is my uncle cal"

I said

"Nice to meet you"

Cal said turning around smiling to face bri

"Nice to meet you"

She replied

"Right lets go home"

Cal said then started to drive

The short car journey was awkwardly quiet with me and Calum just giving eachother harsh side glares joking around

We got home and me and Bri went straight up to my room after I had said hi to dad

We got up to my room and like usual Hunter was waiting for me in my room making me smile

"Can we go downstairs"

Bri asked after about 5 minutes of being in my room

"But we only just got up here"

I said confused

"Yeh I wanna go down tho"

She said shrugging


I said then got up and went downstairs with Brianna following behind

We went into the living room where Luke and dad were sat and Hunter started to chew on some toy we got him a while ago

Me and Brianna sat down on the couch which was diagonal from the couches dad and Luke were sprawled out on

"Hi Luke"

She said excitedly making me slightly confused

I never knew she was a fan of the guys

I thought to myself shrugging

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