Chapter 1 - A New Beginning?

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Heyyy sorry it’s been a while since I’ve up-dated any of my stories lately but I’ve been going through a lot of things so I hope this makes up for it!!!

Chapter 1 – a new beginning? Don’t think so!

     “Brooke? Brooke?! BROOKE?!?!” Travis whispered/ yelled gently shaking me from my sleep. His eyes looked frantic and scared; his hair still messy from him sleeping. “You were whimpering and crying in your sleep. It looked like you where in pain or something!! I was so worried.”  He whispered whipping a tear that was resting on my cheek.

     “Thanks...” I murmured softly rapping my arms around him. “I...I….it was about ….bout him...I was scared and he was…. Really mad and drunk…” I started but couldn’t stop as the tears started to com stronger. Travis hugged me tighter comforting me until the tears subsided and I could talk normally again. “Travis what time is it?” I asked.

     “2:46…. I’m sorry…” He said releasing me from the hug and moving to look out the window that was beside my bed. “I’m sorry you have to go through this. All this having to live in fear and being abused by the very man you call dad. I’m Sorry I can’t make it all stop.” He said staring at the stars out my window. I tried to move to get up but I was in too much pain. I whimpered but leaned up anyways.

     “Travis, it’s going to be ok. I’ll be fine; and Christmas break will be over in a few days and I’ll be able to go back to school. That way I won’t be home as much as I am now. I promise everything will be fine.” I said in a cheerful way remembering Reagan. She is my only real friend and is the only other person besides Travis who knows what’s going on with my dad. But my words didn’t seem to make him feel any better; if anything it looked like he even got sadder.

     “Brooke, I’m so sorry. I should have told you sooner but I wanted to wait until after Christmas so that way you wouldn’t be too depressed and have a good holiday.” He said slightly rambling as he blurred it all out.

     “Whoa Travis. Slow down and tell me what’s goin’ on?”

     “Brooke, we’re moving… tomorrow Night…”He said, his voice trailing a bit.

     “WHAT?! Really, but we’ve been here forever. This was the last place I ever saw mom. We CAN’T leave. Please tell me you’re joking?” I asked hoping that he would just star laughing at me and saying how funny my face looks but he just shook his head.

     “I’m sorry Brooke, but we are. I’ve already finished packing so tomorrow I’ll spend all day helping you. Dad said the house we’ll be moving into is already furnished so the only things you really need to pack in your clothes and other essentials. But for now you need to sleep it’s almost 3:00 in the morning and we have a lot to do tomorrow.” He said coming over and kissing me on the forehead then walking to the door but stopped to whisper a finally goodnight and disappeared down the hall.

     Sleep didn’t come easy the rest of the night. My mind kept drifting to how this would be my last night in this house. The last place I ever saw my mom alive. The place where I grew up and still had a friend. Once we leave I’ll have no one besides Travis. Then when he’s gone I’ll be alone with dad.  God only knows how long I’ll be able to survive without Travis there to stop him from going too far.


    The next morning Travis and I packed up my things and loaded them into the back of his truck. Since I’d be riding with him and we’d follow dad the whole way to Snow Hill, North Carolina. It’d be a long trip from our home in Willow Wood, Ohio.


     We got to our new home around 6 that evening. The house was a fairly nice two story- 4 bedroom, 3 baths and had a nice size back yard.

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