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I stumble over Sam while walking to English still half asleep. Right before we make it through the door the bell rings.

"Dang!" Sam says before we open the door to reveal a not so happy Mrs. Holt.

"So sorry Mrs. Holt ma'am. I was just helping out a new student."

"This is not like you Mr. Winchester. Take a seat" she almost immediately snaps back. She seats me in an empty seat directly behind Sam then starts running her mouth about some stupid lesson plans. Halfway through the class I tap on Sam's shoulder and ask him for an eraser.

"Here buddy."

"Strike two Mr. Novak! See me after class!" The teacher glares at me.

"But- what the hell!?"

"Three and four! You're on a roll Mr. Novak!"

"Piss off!" I yell angrily.

The whole class tries to contain their laughter.

"Class get back to work." She scolds me and doesn't break I contact. If looks could kill, I'd be dead. Sam throws his leg back and kicks my shin. I get the hint and get back to work. When the bell rings students start filing out of the room and I try to hide in the crowd to slip out undetected.

"Mr. Novak!" I look down at the ground nervously.

"Fuccckkk..." I whisper under my breath. Once everyone leaves I sit at a desk in the front of the room. The teacher walks over to the door and locks it.

"Mr. Novak."

"What." I say rolling my eyes.

"Let's discuss your behavior on day one of your stay. Let's see, we have showing up late, disrupting class, not addressing me properly, foul language, disrespect, and not following instructions. That's more strikes in one hour then some students get in three years.

I roll my eyes and she purses her lips while sitting on her desk with her arms and legs crossed.

"There is a senior camping trip coming up next Friday and it will not be optional for you." She says seriously.

"Oh c'mon! I don't want to be stuck camping with some boring losers!"

"Not optional. You will attend and be of janitorial service to the rest of the camp do I make myself clear?"

"I guess." I mumble walking out of the room. I make my way to my room and throw my pillow on the floor groaning in anger.

"Woah who pissed in your cereal this morning?" Sam says cracking a smile.

"Mrs. Holt is making me attend the stupid senior camping trip next Friday and I have to be the janitor."

"Ooo that sucks. Unfortunately I'm not going. I am taking an extra credit class that weekend instead." He sits down on my bed next to me.

"Smartass." I say punching him in the arm.

"Hey, ow shithead!" We both laughed and start doing homework until the bell rings for second period. The days leading up to the trip flew by faster than I can say Fuck my life. Day after day wretched day the trip finally came and I got a knock on my door telling me the bus is outside leaving in 15 minutes. Sam and I say goodbye and do our handshake we acquired throughout the past week.

"Bye buddy!"

"Bye samsquatch!"

I grab my shit, make my way all the way down to the first floor and I pushed through the front door.

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