Chapter 5

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❃Ayden's Pov❃

I woke up around 10am and my day has been nothing but homework. What a great Sunday, I sarcastically think to myself while rolling my eyes. Come on Ayden, senior year is just a few months away. Get this over with this now so you won't have even more work later. I worked and worked until I started to get paranoid.

"I can't be in this room anymore, I feel like i'm trapped, like i'm going to die. Oh lord I can't breathe, holy shit." I start to pace around my room, rubbing my scalp. I've been trapped in this room for what seems like hours and I guess I was right because it was already 4pm. God damn.

I sit back on my desk to finish the last homework that I have. When I finally finish it I feel exhausted but relieved. About fucking time. I go inside the bathroom and turn on the shower faucet. Stepping inside I feel the warm water hit my bare skin and it relaxes all my muscles. Once i'm done I step out of the shower and head back towards my room. I look over the pile of clothes that are sitting on my drawer and walk over to them. Taking a white t-shirt and some black leggings I sniff them to see if they smell bad.

"Nah that's fine." I say to myself while putting on the clothes. Walking over to my closet I grab some boots and put them on.

"Alright, now for my hair.. Great." Taking the brush I comb my hair back and put it into some sort of bun. Is this even considered a bun, I don't know. Whatever the hell it is. Grabbing my phone and walking downstairs I come across Nana and Madelyn sitting on the dinner table.

"Well look who decided to finally come downstairs." Madelyn remarks and I roll my eyes at her.

"Shut up." I walk over to Nana and give her a kiss on the cheek. "Morning." I smile.

"Morning? It's like five in the afternoon A." She chuckles and I shrug.

"Still early for me." I tell her taking a bite of a muffin that I found on the table. Walking over the couch I plop down and search for shows to watch. I have nothing better to do with my life anyways. Finally deciding to watch Switched At Birth I grab the blanket next to me and wrap myself with it. I must have been so into the show because when I look to see the time it's already ten. What. the. hell.

I'm honestly hungry as fuck. But do I reaaally want to get up? I mean it's food so yeah, but, it's so far. Shit. "Madelyn?!" I yell loud enough so she can hear me.

"Yeah?!" She yells back a few seconds later.

"Can you come down here? Please!!"


"Why not?!" I ask yelling. Ugh why is she so complicated. "Just come down!" A few seconds later I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and I smile at myself.

"What do you want?" She asks rolling her eyes.

"Can you order food?" I ask smiling and batting my eyelashes.

"Really? That's why you wanted me to come downstairs so badly?" Well, duh bitch. I nod and she ignores me while going up the stairs again.

"Pleasee." I beg. She stops in the middle of the stair case and turns around.

"What do you want?" She asks annoyed and I smile.

"Pizza please." She rolls her eyes and keeps walking up the stairs. "Thank you!" I yell at her.

"Whatever." Good job, Ayden. You deserve a pat on the back for making her order food.

An hour later the door bell rings and Madelyn comes to pay for the food. She places it down on the table and I grab plates for everyone. When I open the pizza box, the hot air hits my cold face and the breathtaking smell of the pizza hits me. I admire the pizza for a few seconds then grab a slice placing it on my plate. Sitting down at the table I grab my slice and hold it in front of my face.

"Sorry pizza." I quietly say before taking a bite. "Oh that's good." I roll my eyes in disbelief of how good it tastes.

"You're a strange person, my child." Madelyn jokes and I give her a big smile with pizza in my mouth. Her face quickly turns into disgust and I laugh. Once everyone was done with their pizza I told them all goodnight and headed up to my room.

It's currently eleven-thirty and i'm scrolling through Instagram, just stalking people, because I have no life and everyone seems to have one except for me. When I finally came to realization that tomorrow was Monday I decided to go to sleep. I charge my phone and turn the lamp off.


The annoying sound of the beepy shit wakes me up and I groan, shifting in my bed. I finally turn it off and lay up. Looking around the room, confused of my surroundings I finally come back to earth. Walking over to my closet I grab the first thing that I could find which is basically a tank top with some pants. Since it's cold outside I decided to wear a sweatshirt over my tank top. I then go to the bathroom to wash my face, brush my teeth and comb my hair. Wait did I put on deodorant? Stopping, I sniff my armpits. Yeah.

When I reach downstairs I call for both Nana and Madelyn but no one responds. I see a note on the counter and I walk towards it. What's up with these people leaving notes nowadays like there's something called a phone.

Ayden, Madelyn left already because she had an early assembly at school today and I have a doctors appointment so I had to leave early as well. If you need anything call me. Love, Nana.

But, Madelyn was my ride. Now I have to walk twenty minutes just so I can arrive to school on time. That's a lot of walking. I grab my house keys and walk out the door. I've been walking for about two minutes but it feels like a life time. Grabbing my headphones from my pockets I plug them in my phone and start to listen to music. I notice a car pulling up next to me but I just ignore it.

"Hey, Ayden." I hear someone say. When I turn around it's Matthew in his car. Of course.

"What are you, stalking me?" I raise my eyebrows and turn off the music. He rolls his eyes and I do the same.

"I was going to ask you if you wanted a ride." He says dragging out each word.

"I'm good." I turn around beginning to walk again.

"Fine. Enjoy your twenty minute walk." I can picture his smirk planted on his face right now. "Oh and if you don't pick up your speed, you're gonna be late to first period." He slowly says.

"Fine." I finally say walking over to the passenger seat. When I enter he lowers down the music that was playing.

"So, how's your day been?" He asks.

"Don't make this awkward." I reply and he chuckles.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2016 ⏰

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