Chapter 4

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❃Ayden's Pov❃

Recap: "Ayden?"

I look up from my hands to see who called me. Matt?  What is he doing here? Quickly, I wipe the tears away with my sleeve so he doesn't notice that I was crying.

"What do you want, Matt?" I ask trying to sound like I wasn't crying.

"I was just walking by and I saw you.." He replied walking closer to me. "Were you crying?" He asked confused, squinting his eyes. Shit, he noticed.

"Let's be honest, you wouldn't give a shit anyways." I truthfully say. He chuckled and took a seat next to me. Confused, I scoot over not wanting to be near him. There was an awkward silence between both of us. Sniffling I stand up and start walking away.

"Where are you going?" I heard Matt ask from behind me. I stopped in my tracks and turned around with a confused face.

"Home?" I replied. I started to walk again and turned the corner. Honestly, I wasn't going home, I just needed time alone, to let all these stuffed emotions out. I decided to walk a few times around the block before I actually headed home. Walking home I felt a drop of water hit the top of my head. I look up and notice that it's starting to rain. I pick up my speed and arrive home in less than five minutes. I grab my keys and open the front door.

"I'm home." I quietly say not wanting anyone to know i'm here just yet. I walk upstairs, into my room and close the door. I take my shoes off and jump on my bed. I lay there, just staring at the white ceiling. It looked like I must've drifted away in my thoughts because I didn't notice when Madelyn entered my room.

"You ok?" She asks, taking a seat on my bed. I look at her and slowly lift myself up. Giving her a weak smile I nod.

"It's a tough day, I know. But Mom wouldn't like seeing neither of us sad, would she?" She says with a small smile. I guess she's right. The last thing Mom would want is for us to be sad. She would always tell us to smile through everything. No matter how hard things get.

"You're right." I sigh while her smile widens.

"Okay, so come. We're going out." She grabs my hand leading me out my bedroom door and down the stairs.

"Yeah, k careful because you're going to make me trip." I chuckle. We reach the bottom of the stairs and grab our jackets. "Where are we going?" I ask.

"Anywhere. It's Saturday. Hm, Wanna go get frozen yogurt?" She asks as we leave the house.

"Uh yeah, sure. But shouldn't we tell Nana that we're going out?" I ask pointing towards the house.

"She already knows." She says as we both climb into her car. The car ride was quiet but it was peaceful. As I stared out the window I can see the sun drowned in the horizon, it's rays of light glimmering in the darkness of the clouds faded and the pale moon peeked at me from the stars. I hear the drivers door open and close pulling me out of my train of thought. I get out the car and follow Madelyn into the yogurt shop.

We walk up to the many different choices of yogurts and grabbed a small cup. I fill mine with cookies and cream and some strawberry ice cream, just to mix it up. Then I added some random fruits on top because i'm not the biggest fan of candy.

Once we're both done we get in line to pay. We decide to sit for a while and just catch up. She's been so busy with school lately and her senior project that we barely talk anymore. As we both smile and laugh as to what we're talking about I quickly glance behind her.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me." I quietly say while rolling my eyes. I focus back on Madelyn and she has a confused look on her face.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"Then guy over there, his name is Matthew. I have classes with him and he's annoying as fuck." I casually say taking a spoonful of frozen yogurt. She turns around and quickly faces me again.

"The brown haired one or the blonde haired one?" She questions.

"Blonde. The one next to him is one of his many idiotic friends." I reply. She turns around again to get another look and then quickly turns around again.

"ooh, he's cute." She smiles and I fake gag. As we change subjects I hear someone calling my name. By the voice I can already tell it's Matthew's. Ignore it, just ignore it. I hear him call my name again and I ignore it this time as well.

"Ayden, they're calling you." Madelyn says chuckling.

"Yeah I know, shh ignore it." I tell her and she starts to laugh. From the corner of my eye I see Matthew slowly approaching us.

"He's coming this way. Do not make any eye contact with it. Don't look at it, don't speak to it, nothing." I calmly tell her and she nods.

"Yes Ma'am." She salutes. I see them finally approach but I keep my eyes on Madelyn.

"Hey Ayden." I hear him say. I keep my eyes focused on Madelyn and continue with the conversation we were just having. I notice how Madelyn is trying to hide her laugh and honestly I am too.

"I said hey, Ayden." I can practically hear the annoyance behind his voice grow as the seconds go by.

"I have to go to the bathroom." Madelyn quickly says standing up and leaving me alone. This bitch. Continuing eating my frozen yogurt I notice Matthew sitting across from me.

"Soo Ayden. How are you?" He smirks at me.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure you do." He sarcastically says.

"No, sorry. I don't." I stand up heading out the  door. I sit on the bench outside the yogurt shop and wait for Madelyn to come outside. Instead of Madelyn coming outside I see Matt. I take a deep breath while he sits next to me.

"What do you want now?" I ask him.

"You know, it was pretty rude to just leave like that." He states.

"I don't have time for this Matthew." I stand up but i'm pulled back down.

"What's wrong?" He asks and I laugh. I look at his face and he has a confused expression.

"You're kidding right? Listen it's better when I hate you and you hate me." I smile. It's true, why is he being not as rude?

"You think I hate you?" His voice filled with curiosity and.. hurt? haha, yeah ok.

"You're fucking with me right now. Hell yeah I think you hate me." I make it sound as obvious as possible. I always thought he did hate me. Honestly, I never knew why. We're not friends, but whenever he sees me he's always a douchebag. At first I would ignore it but now honestly i'll just add more fuel to the fire. I guess that him messing with everyone and not having a single person stand up to him got me annoyed. He has no right to treat me or anybody else like shit and sure as hell has no right to hate me, especially when we don't even know each other.

"I don't hate you." He chuckles. Jesus christ, where the hell is Madelyn. "I mean I hate a lot of people.. You're not of them though." He continues.

"Well I am flattered." I sarcastically say rolling my eyes.

"Ayden?" I hear Madelyn say as she walks towards me.

"Well fucking finally." I stand up from the bench. "Let's go." I speed off to the car. When I reach it I look back to see Matthew already gone. Madelyn arrives a few seconds later and starts the car. The car ride was silent but I was so tired, I just wanted to sleep and make the next day come by faster.

Once we reach the house I drag my exhausted body all the way up the stairs to my bedroom. I change into some comfortable clothes and lay on my bed. While i'm laying down I realized what a long day it has been and that i'm just relieved that it's almost over. My eyes start to get heavier by the second and as I know it I fall sleep.

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