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shocked im updating bc so tired from school but here u go:) 



"My, my, Lillian.  You're looking rather nice today." 

"I already told her that, you don't need to tell her again." 

"I think any beautiful girl deserves to be showered with as many compliments as possible, Remmington." 

We started to bicker at each other that we didn't even notice Lillian walking away.  I groaned to catch up to her when Garrett grabbed my shoulder. 

"Don't fucking touch me." I growled, yanking away. 

He smirked, which only irritated me even more.  "You're not gonna get the girl.  Face it.  You're stuck in the friendzone, dude." 

"At least I know what her bedroom looks like.  Oh, pretty sure I know what her bed looks and feels like, too.  I don't think she would let just a friend sleep right next to her.  Do me a favor, reach deep into your asshole.  You feel that?  That's my shoe.  That's where I'm about to put it if you don't back the hell off." 

I walked away, ignoring the late bell.  Have I ever mentioned how much I fucking hate Garrett?  Pussy. 



"Lil, I'm sorry.  He just pushes all of my buttons.  He doesn't show it around you, but he makes disgusting asshole comments and I can't fucking have a waste of a human being talk about my beautiful girl like that." 

I slightly blushed, feeling that familiar tingly feeling inside my stomach.  Is that my nerves, or do I need to go visit the nurses office?  Lord knows I don't need to mention it to my mother because knowing her, she'll think it's a flesh eating virus.

"Oh, I'm your girl?" I teased, winking. 

"No, my beautiful girl." He smirked, squeezing my shoulder. 

Well, there goes my confidence.  Disappearing right down the drain just like all of my dreams.  Thank you, Eli.  

"Everyone probably thinks we're a couple with the way we're touchy-feely." I comment, slightly laughing. 

I look up to see him slightly smiling at me, knocking me into a trance.  "What's wrong with that?" 

The tone of his voice had dropped to low and husky.  The diction in his voice made him sound so serious, yet sexy at the same time.  I love when he turns into his mysterious mood because it just makes him hotter than he already is. 

"What's wrong with that?  I mean, we might as well be.  We already sleep in a bed right next to each other on some nights." 

He said that at the top of his lungs, which made me lunge towards him and cover his mouth with my hands so nobody could hear anything else that came out of his mouth.  He started to mumble some words and I couldn't help but laugh.  I took my hands off of his mouth after he licked me, with me pulling away in a grossed out manner. 

"Don't glare at me, Eli." I laugh, attempting to be serious.  It's pretty hard to be serious when you have a really attractive guy attempting to be angry at you with his attempt glare face. 

"What are you gonna do?  Kiss me?" 

My breath hitched into my throat and I immediately felt my cheeks heating up.  I don't know what the deal is with my blushing like this, but it needs to stop quickly.  Eli seems like he's the only one who has this effect on me.  

"Maybe I will." 

I watched him lean closer towards me.  My heart started to beat in such a fast and hard manner that I felt like it was about to pop out.  Watching him move closer towards me had me so overwhelmed that I felt like I could go blind again.  I bit my lip slightly and noticed that he watched me bite my lip the whole time.  I slightly smirked when I realize that biting my lip caught him completely off guard.  I'm the one in charge now.  

"Who's stopping you?" He said softly, pushing the hair out of my face.  He always does that. 

All confidence was gone and all smirking had completely disappeared.  Is Eli about to kiss me?  Is my best friend about to take my first kiss?  


I jumped, hearing my name be called out by the familiar voice.  I looked at Eli and notice that he was clenching his teeth together along with his fists.  He had his jaw clenched and was having a massive staredown with him. 

"Hi, Garrett." 

This probably sounded completely unpleasant, but at this point I don't really care.  He ruined the fucking moment and he knows it, too. 

"Did I happen to tell you that you looked beautiful today-" 

"I swear I'm about to fucking kill you if you don't walk the fuck away." 

"Oh really?  Is that what Lily-pad wants?" 

I look up, shocked to hear him call me that.  I jump when Eli slams his fist onto the table.  I let my hand rest on his fist, attempting to get him to calm down.  My jaw clenched and I was suddenly pretty irritated more than ever with Garrett. 

"Only Eli calls me that." 

I looked at Eli and noticed he was looking at me with a soft expression and he smiled at me fully showing his teeth, which is the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. 

"Get out of here, dude.  We don't want you here." Eli says, shooing him off.  I try to hold back a laugh, but it doesn't work and Garrett definitely notices.  He looks at me one final time and rolls his eyes, walking away. 


"Let's go out." 

That sounds so crazy good.  "Yeah!  Let's go get Mexican this time.  I could go crazy for some quesadillas right now.  Don't forget the chips and queso, fuck yes-" 

"No, not like that." 

"What?  Okay fine then Grandma, let's go get pizza." 


"Holy shit, Eli.  Let's just go to fucking Subway if you're that damn picky." 

"Will you let me fucking talk?  Damn." He said, shaking my shoulders. 

I glared at him and stuck my tongue out at him, letting him talk.  

"I don't mean like a random outing with each other.  I mean, why don't we go out somewhere?  You know what I mean.  Somewhere that's kind of fancy and nice?  Would you wanna do that?" 

I slightly smiled and the all too familiar tingly feeling returned to my stomach.  "Like a date?" 

I looked into his eyes and his bright blue locked with mine and I was searching for the answer I hoped for.  He smiled widely and from what I could see, it looked like he even blushed!  I giggled and poked his blushing cheek and watched him swat my fingers away playfully. 

"Yeah, like a date.  Let's go on a date." 


how u like? u like good? good u like? 

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stay strong - rae 

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