A Very Good Captain

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"Listen up, soldier." James said in the most intimidating voice he could find. He seemed to tower over me with his straight posture. His one hand holding his other in place behind his back. This would be very nerve wracking if he didnt have those beautiful baby blue eyes and blonde wispy hair you just wanted to brush your hands through, "I am not going to tolerate laziness. I expect the best of the best from you. If you can not keep up with your other troop members then you can leave!" He took a step to the side, expecting me to walk forward and never see his face again but I didnt I stood there. My chin high and proud, like I didnt have a worry in the world. He smirked and slowly started to circle me. I could hear each foot step on the floor and I could feel his stares burn into my back. "Do you think you have what it takes to be in my troop, soldier?" He asked, leaning close to my ear. I could no longer hold back my huge grin that I have been holding back since the moment he started his speech. 

"Yes, sir!" I shouted and I could feel him examine my face from behind my shoulder. 

"This is war, son. You can't smile here!" I could here the laugh rising within him. I glanced over at him and rolled my eyes. "We're still in our home, James." 

James set his palms on either side of my hips letting his fingers spread out on my stomach and even though I couldn't feel his skin on mine through my dress I knew he was warm. I gently laid the back of my head on his collar bone and looked up at him. He smiled his usual fully kind hearted smile that made his cheek bones severly predominant and sharper than before. "How did I do, Mary?" He asked, needing confirmation that his act of intimidation was good enough for war. 

"You are going to make a very good captain." I confirmed and his smile got wider to the point his dimples made creaters in his cheeks and his gorgeous eyes started to look like he was squinting. It was the first time in a while not a hint of worry was in his eyes. I put my hand gently on his right cheek, tilting his head closer to mine. I extended my neck slightly till our lips finally met in a quick yet very passionate kiss. Thats how everything has been lately. As if we saved up all our love for these few days. The few days we were given to say goodbye. 

I examined his face quickly and I could tell what he was going to say. He was going to start saying how much he will miss me. How much he wish he could stay like this. I felt the same things but saying that would just make us both a blubbering mess and that was the last thing I wanted in our last days together. 

"Don't think I didn't notice you staring at more than my back." I quickly said before anything could come out of his mouth. 

James smirked very slightly and looked down a bit from embarrassment. He was too much of a gentlemen to admit it, even if it was his wife of one year. "Could you blame me?" He finally whispered, his pale cheeks coated with pink. I couldn't help but let out a little giggle like a girl he just had begun to date but thats how I always felt with James. Everytime I saw him smile my stomach went into a frenzy of fluttering butterflies and when I looked into his eyes it was like I was falling in love with him all over again. 

That was when I could feel the tears form at my eyes. Stinging for their realease but I refused to let them go. I swiftly turned my head from James and took a sharp breath. 

"Mary..." He said almost in a whisper. He ducked his head closer to mine and I could feel his hair tickle my cheek  and his warm breath invade my neck, giving me goosebumps. I let out a very shaky breath as soon as his lips hit the skin on my neck. "I love you." He whispered in between kisses that led up to my jawline and I was going to respond but I was stopped from the clump in my throat. 

I swallowed hard hoping that would help me keep my cool as I spoke. "I love you too, James." I replied in a hushed tone, a tear slipping from my eye and down my cheek. James pressed his forehead to the side of my head and gently kissed my temple. I could hear his muffled whimpering and his sniffles. He was crying now, just as hard as I was but neither of us wanted to admit to it. So, we stood there, sobbing in each others presence. 

Out of no where a loud sob escaped me and tears started to flow even faster than before to the point I worried I would have no more water in my body. James quickly turned me around which wasnt very hard in my very frail state and his strong hands being on my hips. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me so close I could barely breath and I buried my face in his chest, soaking his shirt in my tears. He gently stroked my light brown hair and inhaled sharply.

"We still have five more days, darling." He whispered and I nodded. I wanted so badly to cry out that five days wasn't enough time when I excepted an eternity with him but I couldn't. James always seemed to care more about others than himself and making him worry about me was not in my plan. No, I would make his last few day care free and all about him because thats what a wonderful man like James deserved.  

A Man Named James NichollsWhere stories live. Discover now