You're chilling with your friend but like they happen to have sUPER fluffy hair and you guys are outside so it's windy maybe???
Anyways, a leaf blows into your buddies hair. "oh shit a leaf just blew in my hair can u get it out friendo????" They say, leaning down or not cause I don't know your height compared to your buddy chum pal friend amigo. "ye ok" you say as you reach your hand into their fluff. SudDENLY yOUR FRieNDoS HaiR GRoWS a MouTH aND eaTS YouR BeauTiFuL FaCe CauSe i iMaGiNe You aRe aDoRaBLe aND i KNoW So CauSe aLL MY FoLLoWeRS aND ReaDeRS aRe BeauTiFuL HuMaN BeaNS