The Lone Skater

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Paris was quiet for the night, trapped in a sleepy chill that seemed to slow everything down. There were cars scattered here and there, perhaps an unlucky pedestrian heading somewhere on a mission one could only hope was good. A few lost souls who couldn't sleep, a few energetic youths who didn't want to. The usual AM traffic. Cat Noir found it interesting to watch, pacing quietly on the rooftops along a particularly well-lit street so he could count the time between cars. One could go as long as fifteen minutes before another car would pass, still following traffic laws like the streets were crowded with others only they could see. Maybe that was just the influence of winter.

Cat Noir had a habit of silence when he was alone, even more so when his mood was as numb as his hands. He liked to think it didn't get to him anymore, but he and his father had both been in town for the past six days and they hadn't seen each other once. Not even in passing, not even from afar. There was no shoots for the time being and Adrien was back in school from winter break so there was no reason for Gabriel to interact with him. He liked to think it didn't bother him, but he also wasn't dumb enough to think that was true. He just preferred not to think of it at all.

Cat Noir tracked the movement of a police cruiser, resetting the timer in his head at zero and numbly counting the time as he continued to move forward, moving to the next building and working through his impromptu patrol.

He took a deep breathe, reminding himself of the claws on his hands and the mask on his face, the thought bringing a subdued smile to his face. For now he wasn't Adrien, at least not the one ignored by his father and stuck alone in an empty house. For now he could enjoy his city, maybe even find some crime to stop before dawn. That was the sort of freedom his ring offered, peace of mind on a quiet night.

He ran, enjoying the freezing sting of the winter night as he did, leaping from one building to the next in an attempt to think of nothing besides the adrenaline. It wasn't a perfect fix but it worked, and if it wasn't almost four AM he might call his lady to join him. Even if it was a reasonable hour it was still fairly likely she would say no but hey, even hearing her say that always made him smile. That was just how she made him feel. No matter how much he might enjoy her voice though he had no intention of waking her up just so he would have company, and he would rather limit her exposure to the cold as much as possible. She had that adorable new spotted coat but still, could never be too careful.

He ran until he needed to catch his breath, pausing on the edge of a rather tall building and listening carefully. Mostly he could hear his own breathing, the few scattered sounds of cars driving by, a TV from one of the rooms below him and...

He stopped. Adrien held his breath, turning to catch the sound and listening to the gaps carefully. There was a short pause then very quietly or rather a loud sound at a great distance he heard something like a crack and slice. He waited, then it was there again, slicing, slicing, silence, then a crack. Curious now he glanced down and immediately understood, a smile forming on his face. It was an ice skating rink, and there was a single performer.

At the Trocadero every year there was set up an outdoor ice skating rink for tourists and citizens alike to enjoy, skating happily with the grand Eiffel tower looming overhead. On either side of the fountains long white tents would be pitched for sales and festivities alike to celebrate the winter season but skating before the tower was the main draw for many. It was very crowded in the day, meant for casual skaters looking to laugh and giggle as they skidded about in a mob of strangers. It was not a time fit for such a performer, and at night the ice was theirs.

And what a performance it was.

Cat Noir leaned forward, gripping the edge of the roof in his claws as he watched, suddenly entranced by the movements of this stranger.

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