Play from the Heart

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Adrien blinked sleepily at the board in front of him, his tired brain wondering just when exactly the teacher had the time to fill it with notes like that. He could have sworn he was totally on track but he blinked once and he was way behind. A glance up at the clock made him realize that his blink might have lasted a little longer than he originally thought.

With a yawn Adrien started to jot down everything that wasn't yet in his notebook, evenly spacing out different sections of information as the teacher droned through the subject. A question was asked and a few hands raised, but he perked up when he heard Marinette's voice cheerily reply, confidently delivering the correct answer. He glanced over his shoulder, pen trailing off and leaving an unsightly line through his otherwise immaculate notes as he stole a look at her.

She wasn't looking at him, doodling something on her page as the teacher applauded her knowledge but looking far more awake than he was. She was bright and happy, tongue out just slightly as she worked on whatever was in front of her. It made him smile.

He jerked sharply when Nino nudged him, turning around in his seat before anyone else could notice his distraction but unable to hide the heat of his face. He shot a sleepy glare at his best friend who smirked and raised an eyebrow at him but Nino was forced to divert his attention when the teacher called on him, something Adrien was extremely grateful for.

He looked down at his notes and frowned at the line cutting through a few of his words. It wasn't fair that he was exhausted when Marinette looked like she could run a marathon, he hadn't been running around that much and she had been skating! He couldn't be this tired when he went to fetch her that night, he'd have to nap or something like she probably did.

When his thoughts turned to their scheduled rendezvous he grinned tiredly to himself, pleased with the arrangement he had managed to create. It was so funny to him, watching Marinette through the day when he knew just how graceful she could be. She always did have a sort of smoothness to her stance he noticed, but god could she also be a bit clumsy. It was so strange, since he had seen her practically fly only five hours before that she could also almost fall into a trashcan. He liked being in on her little secret, even if he wasn't really supposed to be. She hadn't seemed very pleased with him having seen her or with him insisting that he come along, she had been pretty annoyed actually but he was sure he could win her over. He would make it up to her, bring her some hot chocolate maybe and be a gentleman. He wouldn't watch at all if that's what she wanted, even if he really, really wanted to, he wouldn't. He would take a game or something, put his back to the ice rink and patiently wait until she was done so he could walk her home. He'd use the time to study or do work if it wouldn't give him away, but it certainly would since they would be identical to her own assignments so he couldn't do that. He frowned again, wondering how he was going to find the time to sleep while also getting everything done. He had fencing and piano after school, an essay to write not to mention all of his other homework as well.

His pen tapped lightly against the notebook paper as he considered his options, shaking his head slightly to rid him of his weariness and sort of failing.

If he started his physics during his lunch hour and had the essay outlined before fencing started then he should have enough time to write everything and turn in early. If he did that he could get a full night's sleep before going to get Mari, behave like a gentleman and let her skate in peace, then have a quick cat nap before getting up again for school. That way he should be fully rested and everything would work out.

He breathed out a short puff of air at his loaded schedule but a smile still played on his lips as the bell rang and he started to collect his things for lunch. He didn't think of it as a hassle at all, guarding her. He doubted he would be able to sleep anyways knowing she was out on her own, so it was really the best for everyone.

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