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Adrien toyed with the ring on his finger through class, letting the cool metal slid against his skin but never removing it, he'd never do that. It was weird how simple looking it was, it was just a ring. A plain silver ring, but it held more importance than some historical buildings, more power than some countries. It might be light on his hand, but it was heavy on his mind. He didn't feel burdened by being Cat Noir, he felt freed by it but... it was being Adrien that was so forefront in his thoughts. He was Adrien Agreste, he was nice, caring, preppy, awkward, and excitable. He was everything on the list Marinette had made for him, and he was sitting right in front of her and she didn't even know. He didn't know what he expected to change or be different, but he did know that though three days had passed since he played her song for her he had the same dream every night. He'd meet her on her balcony, tell her who he was, and she'd smile. Every time.

He wanted to tell her.

He pinched the metal of the ring as a grimace set on his features, fighting to keep a huff from slipping out as the teacher lectured. He couldn't, he shouldn't he knew that, so why was he even considering it so intensely? He knew why he couldn't tell people, it would put them at risk he was being selfish but...

He glanced over his shoulder again for the dozenth time, looking at the way her hair settled in front of her face as she stared at her notes, face scrunched in thought. You could see so much of her in her eyes, what she liked and didn't, whether or not she respected or tolerated you. You could almost see yourself in them, as she stared back at him, eyes wide and red scattering across her cheeks.

He froze, realizing a second too late that she had looked up and caught him, the two of them caught in each other's eyes.

"Adrien! Eyes forward please."

The class erupted into laughter as he turned back around in his seat, face burning as the teacher scolded him for not paying attention. He could hear Nino snickering to his left and practically everyone else doing something similar.

God that was stupid, was she mad? She had no context to why he would be staring, hell he barely did. He was so confused this was stupid why couldn't he just ignore it? Why was it so much more difficult to accept that she would never know he was Cat Noir just like everyone else? Why did that sound so awful?

Class started to draw to a close and he couldn't be more grateful to have an escape, already planning how he was going to get past Nino when the teacher made an announcement.

"Everyone! I know there are many very talented kids in this class, so I would like to remind you of the winter sports competitive skating competition that will be taking place at the end of the month! There are still spots open for similar events going on at the same time, so any hockey players in our group please remember that tryouts are still going, but there is a lack of talented ice skaters to represent our fine city's youth this year. So please, if you know anyone from the ages of 10 to 20 who would like to enter, the final try out is this week so please take a flyer. Thank you again!"

Adrien was glued to his seat, everything going silent as he suddenly had tunnel vision only focused on the thin stack of flyers on the teacher's desk, before all at once he lunged for one, snatching it up so he could read it closer. His mouth popped open slightly, before turning into a wide and crooked grin.

Only one thing though.

How in the world was he going to convince her to go for it?

Because of course he was going to tell Marinette about this OF COURSE he was, there was no way he couldn't. At least it was public so he might be able to pretend to know about it as Cat Noir but, his mind jumbled to a halt. How was he going to get her to enter? Maybe entering was too ambitious, maybe he could just take her to watch? Yeah, buy tickets to the competition, they could go together except... well he couldn't. Cat Noir showing up to watch the skaters would cause a commotion, but he didn't want to sneak in and deprive her of a good seat, if she even wanted to go. He could ask her as Adrien but... having just been caught staring at her very publicly, and having been caught two times prior that day alone, it probably wouldn't go well.

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