Where We Began (Pt. 1)

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Orihara Estate

It was a peaceful afternoon at the Orihara estate. Everyone was out doing what they usually do.

Mairu and Kururi were god knows where, but those girls sure know how to have fun. They are probably luring the streets just doing all their weird shit.

And I am sure my twin brother Izaya was running for his life from the blond bartender, Shizuo Heiwajima.

Speaking of him, I took interest in the 'Beast of Ikebukuro' as soon as I stepped foot in town. I have never met a man like him, and trust me, I have met a lot of people.

See, I am a traveler. I can't sit still for to long. So before I came home to Ikebukuro and my dearest family, I traveled far and wide, met a lot of different people and I learned a lot of new things.

But I have decided that this traveler needed a little break and much missed family time. I decided to go back to Ikebukuro and just rest for a while.

But with a brother like Izaya, that is totally impossible. I always have to save his ass from Shizuo. I could not blame the blond haired bartender. He had a good point. Brother did cause a lot of trouble.

But wiping him of the face of Earth was uncalled for and unnecessary. But the smoking blond just wants Izaya gone and out of his business, that sometimes, I feel like helping him.

Yes, Izaya is an annoying piece of shit at times, but he is still my brother. I love him to the moon and back, no matter how evil he can be. People call Izaya a psychopath, but the both of us only care so much.

Today was way to peaceful, and Izaya should have been home at around 3PM. He is half an hour late and this never happens, unless Izaya didn't get his shit handed to him by Shizu-chan. Preparing for the worst, I got up, ready to go search for brother.

Just then, I heard the front door slam open and ran to see who it was. It was, not to my surprise, Izaya. He was covered in cold sweat and blood as he slammed the door shut and barricaded it with everything around him.

"Hide. Fast. Shizu-chan. Is. Gonna. Slaughter. Us." He said between breaths as he pulled my hand and ran to my room, locking it and pulling up a chair to it. Of course, that would only slow the bartender. It would not stop him.

Then we heard a loud crash. It was the sound of our front door being smashed to bits, along with everything that barricaded it. Then a loud scream of my brothers name followed, alarming us that Shizuo was pissed, and that he will not hesitate to kill anyone standing in his way.

"I-ZA-YA, I KNOW YOU ARE HERE!!! COME OUT SO I CAN KILL YOU!!!" We did not speak, we did not breathe as the blond bartender passed the door of my room. We soon heard a sound of ripping wires. 'Shit, that could set the whole house on fire!'

I felt glad that me and my sisters kept our clothes in one separate room, and not in our rooms. What happened next only made me feel gladder about that.

Shizuo burst the door open, crushing the chair that held the door shut into a million tiny wooden pieces. He stood there, our oven over his shoulder, and the worst part...

There was still fire and embers on it!

Me and Izaya shook in fear, although Izaya kept his smirk on. The bartender looked scarier than usual, all cut up and bruised. His eyes were darker that usual, and his signature grin was now a murderous cheshire smile.

"THERE YOU ARE, I-ZA-YA!!!" He yelled at Izaya, as brother snuggled up closer to me, hoping that I could save him yet again. But I could not. I was stoned. By fear, by anger and by confusion. I could not speak nor could I move. I could not even think straight.

The next thing that happened, froze my blood, my body and my mind. The 'Beast' threw the oven at us, Izaya picking me up and running out of my room, which was now being burned by the beautiful, yet deadly flame.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!?" Yelled the familiar voice of one of my younger sisters, it was Mairu's. Behind her stood the petrified Kururi. Their expressions as they saw Shizou's face broke me down to the very soul. They were both at the edge of tears and frozen in place as if they just saw a ghost.

Just then I felt shadows dance across the walls, putting the fire out and holding down the monster that caused the whole circus. Then I felt a hand drawing circles on both my and my shaking brothers back. It was Celty.

"That is enough. Quit it. All of you." Said the soft, yet poisonous voice of the crazy scientist doctor, known as Shinra. Me, brother, Mairu and Kururi sighed in relief.

'God send these two to help us, thank you very much God.'

Seven Days To Tame The Beast ON HOLD (A Shizuo Heiwajima x Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now