#7 meeting his family

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"Your going to love my family" he said.
"What if they don't like me?" You started to panic. He grabbed your hand.
"They will baby." You finally arrived at their house and you got out the car. When Ashton came to your side you grabbed his arm.
"Breath (Y/N)" Ashton knocked on the door.
"ASHTON!!!" You heard a boy screamed. The door swings open and a little boys jumps into Ashton's arms.
"Yay! You back your back!" He turn his head towards you.
"Who's the pretty lady?" He whispered to Ashton.
"This is (Y/N). My girlfriend. (Y/N) this is my little brother Harry"
"Hi Harry" you wave. Harry wiggled out of Ashton's arms and hugged your legs.
"Hi (Y/N), you are very pretty!" You giggled.
"Thank you Harry. You are very handsome" you play with his cheeks. Harry giggles grabs your hand and pulls you into the house with Ashton following behind. Harry ran and sat on the sofa. Ashton grabs your hands and introduces you.
"Well you met Harry" he giggled "this is my little sister Lauren" you wave and she waves back. "And then this is my mum. Mum, Lauren this is my girlfriend (Y/N)"
"Hello dear" said Ashton's mum.
"Hi" Lauren said.
"Hi Lauren, hello Miss Irwin"
"Please dear call me Anne". You and Ashton sat down and for the rest of the day you just talked.

Michael and his family invited you to come to the beach with them. You never properly met his family, but you did know he was the only child. You and Michael was going to meet them there. For the whole journey you was panicking because you didn't really like meeting your boyfriends parents. You didn't have a really good experience with that kind of stuff and your really liked Michael so you didn't want to make a bad start. You arrived at the beach and waited for his parents to arrive.
"Calm babe" he told you giving you a hug. "They will love you"
"You think?" You look up at him.
"I know they will" his kisses you softly on the head. Then they arrived.
"Mum, Dad" Michael gave them big hug.
"Mum, Dad this is my girlfriend (Y/N)" they waved at you.
"Hello petal" his Mum said.
"Hello" his Dad said.
"(Y/N) this is my mum Karen and my Dad Daryl"
"Hello" the whole day was the best ever! You got on really well with the family. You was really happy. His parents loved you.

It's was the end of one of their constant. Calum came up to you and gave you a big hug like he done every time you was there.
"Ready to meet my family?" He asked. You looked up at him in shock.
"W-what?" You started to have a panic attack.
"Calm down baby!" After a few minutes you finally calmed down.
"Ready?" You nodded. You walked to him dressing room and opened the door.
"Hello everyone" Calum said very cheerfully.
"Hello my baby boy" Calum's mum gave him a big hug and kiss.
"Son!" His Dad hugged him.
"My little brother" His sister messed up his hair.
"Mum, Dad, Mali. This is my amazing girlfriend (Y/N). (Y/N) this is my mum Joy. My Dad David and my annoying sister Mali"
"Annoying? Your annoying! Any way nice to meet you (Y/N)"
"Nice to meet you to Mali" you smiled at each other.
"Hello pet" Joy came up to you and hugged you.
"Welcome to the family" David told you with a smile.

"Baby!" Luke shouted.
"Yeah!" You shotted back.
"My family is come around for dinner is that okay?" He asked.
"Yeah I guess" you started to get ready for their arrival.
"Wow!" Luke said going red.
"What?"   You asked.
"This ain't a club? Why you look so sexy?" You giggled and he came over and kissed you. He's hand ran down your back and landed on your bum. Then there was a knock on the door.
"I'll get it" he broke the kiss and went to the door. They all come in talking and Luke came and stood next to you.
"Who's this?" His mum asked.
"(Y/N) this is my mum Liz. My Dad Andrew. My brothers Ben and Jack. Mum, Dad, Ben, Jack. This is my girlfriend (Y/N)"
"Hello" you waved.
"Damm Luke! How did you get this pretty thing." Ben said as you go red.
"It's the best story ever." He looked down at you and you looked up at him. "But you can't have her!" Everyone laughed. You all went to eat and you loved Luke's family and Luke's family loved you.

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