Monday Night

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"Alright, we're here, did you sleep or do you not trust me?" Joe said trying to lighten the mood. "I don't trust you" I awnsered him honestly. I wasn't sure what time it was or where I was for that matter, but it made no difference, I would be here for the next 6 days.
Joe escorted me to building A, I had never been to a mental hospital before, but I wasn't anxious or scared like I thought I would be. "Hey buddy, what time is it?" Joe asked a nurse as we walked "it's about 11:30" the nurse said looking at his watch. We got to building A's big metal door and Joe knocked on it. The buzzer went off and the door unlocked and I walked inside. A blonde woman in a blue scrubs walked over to Joe and I and gestured to him with a puzzled look on her face. "Just dropping off a new one, here's his things" He said giving a bag full of all the things they took from me. She gave the bag to someone else and took me into what looked like a doctor's office. "Not the best day huh?" She said gathering paperwork for me to fill out as I sat there blank and stiff. "Wanna tell me what got you here?" She asked trying to be nice. "Maybe later, it's been a long day" I told her politely. She had me sign a few things, what they were all for I don't remember.
After the paperwork she said "I need to check your vitals, is that ok?" In the nicest voice she could. I nodded my head and she pulled out a machine to take my blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature all at the same time. "You're heart rate is a little high, ushaly the average person's sits at about between 60-100 and your's is 105." She told me and I shrugged, I didn't really care, I didn't really care about anything at that point.
After that she had me go into a back room with a bed and security camera on it. They had me undress and checked me for open wounds which I had none of. After I redressed they gave me a phone and told me it would be a good idea to call my mom, so I did. We didn't talk long, she just told me to be brave and to not be scared, I still think she was more telling herself than she was me. The nurse came back and gave me some food and my deck of cards, it had been the only thing I really wanted them to let me keep. During my time there I was what they called a line of sight, meaning I had to be within the line of sight of a nurse at all times. It didn't really bother me that much when they told me someone would be watching me sleep, I hadn't slept in days nor had I eaten for an even longer period of time. The blonde woman sat next to me on the bed in the back room and said "I'm Jessica, if you ever need to talk you can just ask for me ok?" I nodded my head, knowing I wouldn't ever call apon her. I was supposed to get the padded cell treatment that first night, but in order to save staff, they put me in a normal room with the only other line of sight at the time. Jessica went and woke him up and brought us together, we shook hands and greated each other. "Gilbert" He said. "Berry" I returned.
Gilbert went directly to sleep, he had already been there for a while, how long I'm not sure, but he was used to the nurse watching us sleep from a chair in the doorway. I stared at the white, blank wall at my bedside and cried quietly to myself, I didn't want to keep him up. "I'm here to get better" I told myself in my head. "I'm here to get prescribed medicine and leave" How wrong I was. That was the first night I was there.

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