chapter 31

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sorry guys I don't have a song of the day so you can come up with any song that fits with this chapter!



Aria's POV

Today was the last day of school till Christmas break. And you could tell I'm pretty excited. This year went by really fast considering the fact I missed a whole two months. To be honest I wish I was living in the dream I had dreamt because this reality things is frustrating. I'd rather have it the other way around. I don't like this 'dream' or whatever this is. I wanted it to end. This guilt was killing me from the inside out and I couldn't take it anymore. I have to come clean to Dave.

Wait Aria what about the video?


Why is this even happening to me? Wait James said I can't tell Dave. He never said anything about telling someone else. The first person that came into my mind was my mom. But then I thought how awkward because I was raped with my boyfriends brother then it will end up with the police and it will result to James being in jail.

An imaginary light bulb glowed over my head.

The police Aria. The police. What are you doing here got tell the police.

I looked at my surroundings as Dave and I walked into school.

I let out a sigh as our hands drifted away from each other sitting down in our first period seats. My eyes were locked on Dave as I kept watching him smile and laugh. I felt so bad. I was using him. If this were to be the other way around- I think I'd want him to tell me. And besides he could help me with the police. He's your boyfriend Aria he will trust you no matter what.

Before I could call Dave our teacher spoke. "So since it's your last day till Christmas break, and I don't want to be the Grinch but you're having a project." She said and the whole class groaned. Kids from each side of the room kept interrupting and saying things like, "But it's Christmas!" or "I'm not going to be in the country!"

She shushed everyone and said, "I'm sorry but if you want to pass this class- this project will boost your grade up one letter grade up. And for all you D students this project will help you."

"What is it about?" A guy called out.

"You will have to make some sort of documentary or PowerPoint on something that gets you excited for Christmas and what means the most to you. Or someone or something your grateful for and why." She said moving her hands in emphasis. "This project will be a little more on the personal side and so you won't have to present it or anything. Only I will be the one to see it."

"This is not a group project so you will all get your own credit. This will be due first thing when you come back. And I know it's your senior year so I bet this is the only class you have a project on so be happy. Have a good break, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!" She smiled as the bell rang.

I waited for Dave at the door as he smirked to himself, "Why are you so happy?" I asked him.

"I have the perfect topic. "He smiled.

"Who is it?"

"I can't tell you, you might steal my idea!" He said.

"I won't I promise!" I chuckled sticking out my pinky.

"Sorry Aria but I got to get working on this!" He said running away.

"Wait where are you going?!" I called out.

Coexist // Dave FrancoWhere stories live. Discover now