The news

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A/N HEY GUYS SO THIS IS MY NEW BOOK YAY. so this is a squeal to Otto and Olive. i hope you like it. so without anymore troubles *glares at the cast* let's move on.

Olive's POV 3 years had passed and Otto had I have been living in a fairytale. One day my parents: Hope and Ben, had asked to see us. "What is the the problem Mr.&Mrs.Smith,"Otto asked. "Otto we told you call us by our names," Mrs. smith said. "Anyway olive we have something to tell you," my Dad said turning to me. "Olive you were adopted by us," my Mom said. "WHAT," I yelled. So everything I've known was a lie. "I want to know everything," i said. "Well," Hope began.


JUN 3RD 2004                                                                                                                                                                         Hope and Ben were driving to their best friends house or should I say castle. Yes their friends were royalty. King Conner and Queen Ivy. They had just had a new born baby girl. When they got there they were welcomed by a excited voice, "Uncle B, Aunt H," they looked up to see a young 3 year old running towards them. "Lilly let your aunt and uncle see your sister,"her mother said coming behind her daughter with Olivia in her arms. "Hope I ask a favour," Conner said. "Anything you two," Ben said while his wife nodded. "Take Olivia and raise her as your own child," Ivy said. "Why do you us to take care of her?," Hope asked. "We are in danger and i do not want my daughter to be in the way of danger. Lilly is safe since she in control of her powers," Ivy said. "Okay," Hope said taking Olivia in her arms. "Please give her a new name," Conner said. "How about Olive. Still stars with O and close enough to her real name," Ben said. "Perfect. Oh and don't be afraid if vines and flowers start growing everywhere," Ivy said.

End of Flashback

"Why are you telling me now," I asked them. "Olive your parents they.............," Mom trailed off. "no, no ,no,NO ARE YOU TELLING ME THEY ARE DEAD," I yelled in tears. "No, but on the brink off death," Dad or should I say Ben said. "Lilly is doing her best fighting off the villains while trying to keep her Ivy and Conner alive. she told us they wanted to see you right now,"Hope said. "Where do they live,"Otto spoke up. "About that. You two have heard about the Hurricane a few days ago right," Ben said. "Yea," I spat. "well outside of town there is an area where there is a portal that leads to Magix your home world and kingdom," they both of them said. "I'll go with you Olivia," Otto said smiling. I smiled and took his hand in mine. "I'll tell Oscar to close down the the office for a few days," Otto said calling Oscar. "So my name is now Princess Olivia Tia Levin," I mumbled. Let's hope I just some answer

(A/N) I JUST WANT TO THANK LealPhantom for being the first follow me. ALSO guys please tell everyone you know about this please and if you want to ask and of the cast any questions please do. bye Guys see you in the next chapter

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