This feels like the Principles office.

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It was early morning when Danny realizes that CJ is fast asleep, so he lifts her up in his arms and carries her to the couch. He kisses her forehead, but doesn't notice Leo in the back-round. When he walks out of CJ's office Carol just smiles at Danny " we stayed up all night talking. I only just noticed that she was asleep, so I put her on her couch."

"And didn't say that you were in love her."


"I know I know you can't be with her." He just continues walking away when Margaret finds him.

"Leo wants to see you Danny." He follows her to Leo's office. "You can go in now Danny."

"Thank you Leo, what did you want to talk about?"

"I want you to stay away from CJ."

"Leo, I am a reporter; she is the Press Secretary. Let's not forget my friend."

"Stop pursuing her."

"I will stop when she tells me."

"You will listen to me, I am the boss of the boss of your news source."

"I am in love with her Leo."

"If my feelings weren't so deep I would have stopped asking her out years ago, but as I got to know her I fell in love with her even more than I was before."

"What do you mean?"

"Love at first sight. I never believed that until I walked into campaign headquarters that day and looked into her eyes. I fell in love at that point in time."

"I still don't want this administration played by a sex scandal!"

"She has turned me down time and time again, but I won't stop until I know that she is answering from her heart. I can tell when I look into the woman I love eyes that she isn't telling the truth. She is following orders."

"Danny if you really loved her you would let her go, and do her job." They don't notice The President and his wife walk into Leo's office.

"Leo if you really cared about our loyal Press Secretary you would want her to be happy, and if that happiness involves one of our favorite reporters. Who I know would never accept a leak from CJ, and she will not leak a high level story to anyone no matter the connection."

"Again I say I am on love Claudia Jean Cregg! I will always love that tall, beautiful, funny, and intelligent woman. I first fell in love with her eyes then with her mind." CJ is sitting outside Leo's office during this last sentence looks at Margaret eyes asking to go in.

"You may want to go in to get your happiness CJ."

"Thank you" she goes into the office "you love me Danny?"

"Yes, CJ I love you." They walk closer to each other and have a silent conversation with their eyes "you don't have to say anything back CJ. I have always been able to tell that you at least like me by looking into your eyes, and that was before The State of The Union in 2000." Leo is about to talk, but Abbey pulls him into the oval office. "I still remember after I kissed you; you became really flabbergasted. You not only almost took Gail for a walk, but after you put her down you ran into the closed door."

"Danny shut up and kiss me." They lean forward and kiss  "I want to be with you Danny, but I can't."

"I know that. That is why I never stopped asking you out I knew that you  didn't mean it."

"Danny the minute you kissed me that Christmas Eve I know that you are the last person I ever wanted to kiss."

"That is as close you can tell me that you."

"I love you Danny Concannon." 

......Meanwhile on The Oval Office.........

"Leo how dare you tell CJ who she can and can't date! She is a grown woman, and if you haven't noticed how she looks at Danny you are a horrible friend Leo Thomas McGarry. Jed"

"I only said it wouldn't work as long as they both had their jobs. I look at CJ like a daughter I know Danny will make her happy."

"If you told her to give love a chance we may have had a happy CJ for many years now."

"I know that Abbey. I want her to be happy." Abbey looks at the guys in front of her when they here noises from Leo's office. He runs into the office to see them hugging and crying.

"I will always love you Claudia Jean Cregg, and the moment that you are out of the White House I will bring you into my arms and kiss you like you deserve."

"What if I want to give us a chance now." Leo looks on "Danny I love more than I knew possible; I know if were in a different life we would already married,and have children of our own."

"We could get married the day you are done in the West Wing."

"You mean it?"

"CJ I have envisioned growing old with you for many years now."

"Same here." They lean into each other "how do you think we should go by this Daniel."

"Well I will woo you treat you like the princess that you are."

"You two are going to be a couple I don't care what that doofus says. This one doesn't care if you two are together he just wants the girl that he looks at like a daughter happy. For me I want to see love around The White House especially between my friend who is like a daughter, and my biographer."

"I agree with my wife. I am a father and friend first saying that CJ you and Danny should have a chance of happiness."

"I see now that I have made one of my friends lonely and sad. I let you free CJ.  Just don't let this get out same with you Danny."

"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, I love CJ with all of my being. I know part of that is knowing her love for this job; I will never jeopardize that job." CJ is looking at Danny during this whole deceleration. "I know that you will be worried about the press, but remember I have some really close friends who are in that Press Room, and they will keep this away from the eye of the press. They also care abut CJ. Why else would they keep the secret that I wanted to surprise CJ Christmas Eve a few years ago."

"What about Shareef ?"

"Leo, he knew he had a story, and kept it quite for us the the Bahee sleepers. Yes I told him to publish it when Walkin told me not to, but I made a promise to Danny and I do not break my promises."  

"CJ do you want to risk"

"I love Danny. I have sacrificed my happiness for 5 in a half years because you told me to Leo. I am done giving up my happiness my ONE chance of actual happiness and true love Leo. Just because you gave up doesn't mean I will!" Everyone looks at CJ surprised to see her so angry "if you fire me."

"I am in charge of Leo, and you are not fired CJ, and Danny before you say anything you can keep your Press pass."


"Leo don't you realize all the back lash that these two could technically do, since you interfered with their happiness."


"Don't Abbey me. CJ deserves to be happy and have a life." CJ and Danny walk out of the office.

"Danny have take out with me."

"Of course."  

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