First Date

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Two days later CJ is preparing for take out with Danny. She keeps looking for what to wear, but can't find anything. "Carol I need your help."

"With what CJ?"

"Finding what to wear tonight."

"Oh the big date."

"It is only take out."

"With the guy you have been dancing around with for years."

"Carol, please help me find something to wear."

"I'm sure Danny wouldn't care what you wore."

"Carol I am serious I need something to wear that is appropriate for take out with Danny."

"Wear that beige pant suit that you wore for State of The Union a few years ago."

"That is perfect; that is what I was wearing for our first kiss."

"You had a kiss that long ago."

"Yes Carol. I have to go now."

"Get ready for your date with the red headed reporter."  After they  hang up CJ goes to get ready for dinner. She is nearly finished getting ready when there is knock on the door.

"Come in Danny I'm almost finished getting ready."

"You do not need make up you are beautiful."


"You look amazing just like that night."

"Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself."  They sit down while Danny takes out the Chinese food "how was your day Danny?"

"My favorite part was looking at my date on the podium."

"Really I thought it was when you came into my office and after we were finished with our professional business I pulled you into a kiss. It was my favorite part."

"Oh that was amazing. You have soft lips." They continue to eat, laugh, and talk. "Did Toby find out about us yet?"

"I haven't told him. Donna knows about us. Gossip around the water cooler she came to me and asked me how come I did't tell her that we have gotten together."

"You know when I told Katie, Steve, and Mark they told me there was a poll going around seeing when we would get together."

"Everyone wanted us together."

"We didn't really hide our flirting before, and remember I kissed you Christmas Eve."

"How they were probably shocked when I recognized you by a kiss."

"Katie asked me about that. No I didn't tell her that we have shared kisses before then."

"She probably knows."

"What do you mean?"

"Danny, we have a special connection that takes time, and when I could tell who you were by just one amazing kiss; anyone who looks at us knows that we have shared some special moments."

"It was an amazing kiss?"

"Shut up."

"Make me."

"No worries" she kisses him senseless.  

"We both know how to kiss well."

"That we do Daniel, that we do. Our lips melt together when they touch." CJ leans closer  to Danny intent on taking off his pants.

"CJ as much as I want to, and I really want to CJ. I want to treat you like a princess. I want to take time before we move to that level. I want to take you out on a few dates before I make love to you CJ." She just looks in Danny's eyes and leans in to kiss him slowly."

"You are so sweet, I love you Daniel Concannon."

"I am only sweat because of you, I love you too Claudia Jean Cregg." He looks at time "its midnight. I think I better go, so you can go to sleep."

"What if you stay the night? I will keep my hands to myself."

"Ceej, I would love to hold you in my arms all night."

"Then come on"  she grabs his hands and shows him her bedroom. "This is my room."

"Yes it is, and you have clothes everywhere."

"I was nervous. I couldn't find the perfect thing to wear." He wraps her in his arms.

"You look beautiful in everything CJ."

"That is what Carol told me you would say."

"Well she is right." They get ready for bed.

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