Inflicking Maddness

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"It  should him not her...he's the one that should be lying in the ground."

"I'll never forgive her... She took him away from me.."

"An accident, they supposed to be watching him, how could they let this happen!"

"Death is to easy..."

"Where's the justice?"
              "He should pay for what he did.."

"They should know what it feels like.."

"No mercy.."

"Shut up!" Ripping her hair from it's root, Eva yelled.  Whispers - weeping, screaming, angry hissing whispers. Buzzing around, plaguing, deafening.

"I don't want to die..."
              "Help me, please somebody!"

"The world would be a brighter place, if she wasn't in it.."

Her nails clawed at her ears until they bleed, and still the whispers remain.

"And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall  know that I am the Lord, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them"

"Make them suffer, just as she did."

"Burn them.."

"Riddle them with the same disease, let them watch as their bodies wither and slowly rot."

"Vengeance is mine, I will repay."

Frantic, Eva reached around her. Her knees scathed and broken, she searched for something, anything to end this torment. Desperate, she fell - scoring at the wood beneath her.

Raw and bloodied, her nails broke as she pried.  She just wanted the whispers to stop. A strike her heart,  a cut to the throat, would offer a small reprieve, wouldn't it?

A hand fell to her shoulder, she flinched. An  itching heat chaffed her skin like a coarse blanket. Another seeking hand reached around her, grabbing the splintered dagger she'd held raised. She snarled, tightening her grip and snapping at the feeble hand.

"Drop it, Eva. Please."

                   "They killed my son..."

"Make them pay..."               "Hurt them.."

"I want them dead.."

"Why is no one doing anything.."

Squeezing, Eva fought harder against the aged hand. Blood pooled in her palms as the wood twisted, ripping away her flesh.

"Look at me."

Raising her head, she looked towards the haggard voice. A gasped escaped her lips as she shied away.

The man - though similar in appearance was not her uncle, he couldn't be. His wrinkles - set deeper, were littered with small crater shaped dents, his eyes dull and fading in colour.

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