Just another day.

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As Charlie gazed through the car window, not really looking at anything, he contemplated life, not really having anything else to do in the back of a car. Keith (his driver) was humming merrily to himself and Merida (another person from his Wednesday club) was having some girly chatter with Nancy (also from the Wednesday club) charlie put his earphones in and put on his favourite song 'another brick in the wall' by Pink Floyd, in Merida's opinion she "couldn't see how people could like that kind of music, personally, she was into pop"
Charlie figured what she must have meant was that everyone should listen to pop and nothing else and Charlie did not agree with her. So Charlie just sat there, waiting for the time when he was able to be dropped off at his house so he could back to watching Tokyo ghoul which he found was a very emotionally strong anime which could really engulf the viewer; several minutes passed and he was getting tired now, his eyes started to close when Keith awoke him saying "out you get," Charlie collected his things from off his lap and stepped out the car,
"Thanks" Charlie mumbled, and he made off for his front door.

The next day Charlie woke tired and grumpy as he usually did, as you would if you woke up at quarter-past seven in the morning. He got changed and legged it to the bus-stop, just catching it by a second as always. Charlie put on his earphones and turned on his Ipod and turned it almost all the way up, listening to Pink Floyd's The Wall.

As soon as he got to school he sighed and dragged his feet across the school playground. He never liked the word "playground"  it always made him feel as though he was made to feel inferior to the teachers he was, but there was no need to rub it in.

Charlie made his way to class. He didn't bother to talk to his friends on the way there, he made some small effort to make conversation but he wasn't really listening. He just felt so tired, he decided that, maybe it was just one of those things that regular 14-year old kids get, but he felt as though he wasn't normal, like he didn't belong and that he was just going along with the rest of the sheep that was humanity, eating, sleeping, dying, over and over again. Yet somehow he felt he wasn't part of that continuous cycle, he felt... Different.

The Unfortunate Happenings of Charlie BinksWhere stories live. Discover now