The truth.

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Charlie lifted himself off of his bed and very slowly he started to move towards the other side of his bedroom. Suddenly, he felt a pain under his foot, he had trodden on a piece of Lego, typical, he walked through his bedroom door and into the hallway which lead to the landing at the top of the stairs, he was definitely in his house.
There was no one around, his brother must have been at school still, and his mum probably at the shops in town,

"Holy shit, if I can travel through space, what about time?"

Charlie thought, he imagined himself being at school above the drama studio around break on Monday, he closed his eyes.
And there he was, standing there, still in his school uniform, and the sound of students footsteps underneath him.
He opened his eyes to stare around, he was definitely in his school, but he felt sick, Charlie had no idea what to think, should he be happy? Confused? Scared?

Charlie began to feel all of these at once and needed to go the toilet, and sure enough he was there, in the school toilets, in one of the cubicles, standing in front of the toilets,
"Oh fuck"
He said to himself, and he began to vomit violently into the toilet in front of him.

After a good 5 minutes he finally left the bathroom and stumbled out into the school hallway, he looked at his phone for the time and saw that he had 3 new messages from his friend,
"Wow, so popular" he thought, and looked at the first message:
"Hey, where the hell are you? It's science, you're fucked if you don't show up"

Charlie put his phone back into the pocket of his blazer and looked around again, the hallway was empty and clearly it was lesson time, he reached into his pocket for his timetable:
Monday, lessons 5&6: science

"Shit, looks like I messed up a little"
He thought and quickly shoved his timetable back into his blazer pocket, he began to run to his science room, slamming open doors and nearly tripping up stairs, after a while he finally made it to science with a stitch in his side.

Charlie leant onto the door and it creaked open, he'd always hated that door's creak, he stepped into the classroom looking flustered as shit, looking from left to right, he spotted Jay, in his seat facing the door, they didn't say anything but was startled by the teacher's voice,
"And just where have you been?"

All Charlie could say was,
"Sorry sir, I was late."

The Unfortunate Happenings of Charlie BinksWhere stories live. Discover now