Now You Put Your Hands Up.~

450 13 18
  • Dedicated to Marlene Cronje

Chapter 1

Nex's pov

An exotic smell; a tantalising mixture of the darkest chocolate and rich spices circles around me in a stunning dance. It's effect on my body overriding my thoughts, silencing the alarm bells my mind was sending, warning me to run, that he was bad news and this was not going to end well.  My mind battling the grip his presence has on my body.

"I want you to put your hands up now".

His voice interrupts my thoughts and drags my mind from its daze. His deep, husky voice sends a tremor down my spine. I let out a shaky breath and slowly my arms rise, my body shivers as a cold gust of icy wind blows against it.

"Turn around, slowly".

His calm voice now sent a spark of fear into my mind, the cool steel of his tone causes me to shiver again. I turned slowly and looked up to him. His tall frame looming over mine. My eyes land on his sandy blonde hair, tousled messily over his golden honey eyes, his toned body and his sun-kissed skin. I chew on my bottom lip, my face warming as I lower my gaze to the forest floor in front of me. 

"What are you doing here? This is my territory".

He looked at me, his bright eyes piercing my insides. I frowned, my nose wrinkling slightly as I think about how to answer. Surely his beta would have filled him in on what occurred while he was away. I opened my mouth to speak but close it, my reflection still imitating one of confusion. 

"Beta Red allowed me to seek refuge while you were away. After a few days he allowed me to join, once he was certain I was no longer a threat of course."

 My reply was formal and my head stayed bowed. His sharp intake of breath had me cringing and raising my eyes slowly to look up at his perfectly shaped face. After a tense moment he replied. 

"Oh, I see. Well off you go then".

He said nonchalantly, looking away as if he finds my presence too boring to continue to acknowledge. I flinch back as if he had hit me and my eyes burn with un-shed tears. Did he not feel anything?  I nod softly, my feet kicking half heartedly at rocks surrounding me. I rock on my heels, waiting for him to officially dismiss me.

"I said go, you're dismissed. You're rejected, whatever you need to hear to get you to fuck off".

 He snaps, his lips pulled into a tight line. My eyes shoot to his face and for a moment I see a flash of regret and guilt in his eyes. He opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by the high pitch, piercing noise that is his clingy girlfriend, and I watch as his eyes harden again, watching me now with disgust. She looked me up and down, then turned away, convinced that I was no competition to her. 

"Baby, you didn't show up".

She whines, running her finger down his chest. I clench my fists and turn away. 

"For what".

I hear him question, sounding irritated. I don't hear her reply as I zone out of their conversation, focusing on finding my way back home.

'We're not good enough, he doesn't want us'. 

As I walked home my wolf whimpered, the soft, broken sound causing an ache in my heart. I sigh softly, wiping yet another tear from my reddened cheeks. I was confused as to why this was making me upset, I have watched as a multitude of attractive alphas abuse their title to gain female attention, but none of them had ever hurt me so much with their actions. But then again, none had ever been my mate. My other half. The one who is supposed to love and cherish me forever. 

Once I got home I opened the front door and sighed. I climbed the stairs, ignoring the dirty socks and stained shirts that litter the floor, courtesy of my beloved brother. I enter my room and turn to close the door, growing irritated as one of his shoes prevents me doing so. I kick the shoe out of the way and slam the door shut. I rest my head on the wooden door, closing my eyes as I take a deep breath, trying to calm the violent storm of emotions circling in my mind. 

Pushing away from the door I crouch down next to my bed, removing a small backpack. I shove in the small collection of clothes I have before walking into my bathroom and collecting my toiletries. After gathering what I needed I slung the back over my shoulder and walk across the hall to my brothers room. I tap against his wooden door gently as I move the backpack up my shoulder. Not hearing a reply I ignore the 'Keep out' sign slung over his door knob and push the door open, my eyes glancing over his pig sty of a room. A small smile pulls the corners of my lips up as my eyes land on his sleeping form. I gently drop my bag, leaning it against the door frame before walking over to him. Making sure not to wake him I gently kissed his cheek, whispering my good byes before walking out of his room. As I walk back down the stairs, I ignore the burning lump in my throat and the blurriness of my vision.

As I reach the door I rest my hand on the brass knob and let out a shaky sigh. I close my eyes , letting out a small whimper before opening the door and walking out. My feet tapping against the pavement as I walk away from my home.

My life.. 

My brother..

~~Some time later~~

After walking for what seemed to be hours, I cautiously eyed a hotel. Trying to ignore the chipped paint and the movement of the drawn curtains on the top floor. As I take a small step towards the door, my hand stops a few inches from the handle and I swallow quietly. I try to calm the shaking of my hand as it reaches out. I let out a yelp and snap my hand back as the door opens before I could even touch the handle. A pair of glowing blue eyes stare back at me in curiosity as I back up slowly, tripping over my feet and letting out a cry as I fall backwards. I shut my eyes, preparing to hit the floor as I feel a pair of strong, cold arms wrap around my waist.

"This is too cliché." 

His husky voice comments as I open my eyes, looking up at his face while I try to calm my nerves. A shiver runs down my spine and my mind goes blank staring at the icy blue orbs in front of me. He helps me back to my feet and I reach, awkwardly patting the top of his head.

"Um, thanks for that.." 

I nervously run a hand through my dark hair. He looks at me, blinking slowly as his eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"Did you just pat my head? Like a dog?" He asks with a small smirk, his blue eyes boring into me as I blush.

"Like a good dog?"

My voice comes out as a question and I shrink back in embarrassment. He laughs, sending a tremor down my spine. A light blush coats my cheeks as I feel my nipples harden against my bra at the sound of his husky chuckle. His chuckle stops as he takes a breath in, his eyes darkening slightly as a low hiss slips from his lips. I cross my arms over my chest and look down, my cheeks aflame as I feel his eyes boring into me. He takes a step forward and gently places a hand on my cheek, softly moving it down before lifting my chin up to look at him. As I do, my eyes meet his and I let out a gasp.

"Your eyes changed? They are so gorgeous." 

I whisper, looking into his now black eyes. The outer ring shining as it burns a bright gold, while the colour grows darker as it nears his pupils, suddenly turning purple before reaching the pure black centre of his eyes.

He smirked softly as he gazed down at me, something about the look in his eyes sent a tremor down to my core. Igniting a fire that I have never felt burn before, spreading it through my body like a raging torrent and sending sparks through my veins. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2021 ⏰

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