Chapter 7

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America's POV

"Demi go a head of me...Mike cover me and Demi," I said giving orders to my two partners. "Kk," they both whispered. Demi has black hair which is really curly and green eyes she reminds me of a girl version of Aspen. Mike has blonde hair and hazel eyes with a tiny bit of green on them. Demi puts her head around the corner to see if any of the palace guards are coming. "Clear," she whispers.
"Go," I whisper back. We run across the hall and head for Marlee and Carters bedroom. It's 2 am so they should be asleep along with the rest of the palace.
When we get there Demi opens the door. When we get is side we stand up straight because all the way here we have been kinda crouching. "Mike guard," I whisper to him he nods and gets a gun out. I smile at him and he nods telling me to go inside. "Marlee wake up," I see Demi trying to wake Marlee up. Marlee's eyes flutter pie revealing her brown eyes. "Marlee it's America," I whisper. Her head looks over too me in surprise. "Your supposed to be in a coma," Marlee said.
"You and Carter need to come with us no questions," I said. "Mike everything clear?" I asked. He nodded. Demi grabbed Marlee's hand as Marlee grabbed, the now awake and confused, Carters hand.
We ran/tiptoed through the palace halls. When we where almost by the entrance we where spotted by a group of guards. One of which was Aspen. One guard ran up to a hidden bitten and pressed it. The button set off the alarm. The guards started shooting at us as Aspen was running away. Idiot! A guard was shooting at me and he managed to shoot me in the lower part of my arm. I hired at the pain but remembered that I've felt worse so I carried in running through the palace till we got to the entrance. We ran down the path and I heard a scream I never want to hear again. The painful scream of Kriss. I sneaked a look Maxon's balcony I didn't see him. I liked at Demi and she pointed to my old room. I looked and saw him standing there with a crying Kriss in his arms. We slid out if the palace grounds and ran through the wood till we got to our helicopter. When I jumped in I got a bandage and wrapped it around my arm as Demi pulled the bullet out.
Why was Maxon in my old room?
Is Kriss ok?
Did they see me?
All these questions flew through my mind as I watched the world pass by.

Hope u guys liked this chapter
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I will mention that you came up with the ideas I won't take full credit for these things
Thanks for reading

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