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Sneak peak:

The gentle wind blew against my dress, the sound of water crashing against the rocky cliffs behind. Crystallised sand rested stiffly against the ground, sparkling like a thousand jewels packed together. It was spectacular.

Birds flew across the air savoring the feeling of freedom, the freedom I wish I so had.

The beach was so peaceful and calming. Sadly I wasn't here to savor the moment of the beauty of the beach.

I took loud breaths in and out trying to calm down my nerves. My hands became sweaty and began to fidget with the bouquet of flowers in my hands. "Are you ready miss?" The server asked me.

Am I ready? Does it even matter if I am.

I looked up at him and gave him a gentle smile. "I am." I replied quietly.

He signal to the orchestra with his finger to start playing the music.

My dad came to the right of me and put my arm into his. I looked into his eyes with a tear streaming down my face.

I really don't want to do this.

He wiped the tear from my cheeks and looked at me. "You better do me and your mother proud, or else you will wish you where never born. You're already a curse to us, so it won't take a lot to make you life done. Do you understand me?" He sternly affirmed, tightening his gripped on my hand.

Another wave tears flooded down my face. I nodded quickly. "Yes Father, I'll my you and mother proud." He smiled and wiped the tears again from my face.

He looked at me satisfied with my answer. "Good girl. Now smile." I plastered a fake smile onto my face, before the curtains opened streaming in the bright sun light into my face.

I blinked twice before walking out from the tent I was currently in. Music surged into my ears, I looked around the area seeing a boat load of people and cameras flashing into eyes.

I really don't want this.

I stood there frozen, my legs refused to move. My father took a step pulling my along with him. People rises to there feet and smiled at me kindly. If only they knew why they here.

I slowly walked down the red platform looking at my future husband. He was so close, yet so far. My breathing fastened. This is really going to happen.

I was so caught up into my thoughts I didn't notice I was already in front the podium. My nerves started up and I started shaking.

I'm usually well put together, but this really got me.

I looked at my father and mother pleading them, begging them to tell me I don't have to this.

But I had no such luck. The only thing I got was a cold glare and threatening looks.

I sighed loudly and turned to my fiancé.

Everyone sat down and the Reverend began his speech.

"We are gathered here today, on this joyous occasion, to join this Roman and Thailynn in holy matrimony." I banked out after a while engulf into my thoughts. "Roman Cesearo, do you take this woman to be your wedded wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her in sickness and in health, remaining faithful to her as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." My 'fiancé' replied giving my a fake smile. I could see behind his facade that he either didn't want to be here or do this.

"Thailynn Rose, do you take this man to be your wedded husband? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him in sickness and in health, remaining faithful to him as long as you both shall live?" I was pulled out of my thoughts when my fiancé squeezed my hands. I looked around and saw everyone looking at me expectantly.

My dad and mom glared at me as if I killed their dog.

My fiancé raised an eyebrow at me. "Do you?" The preacher asked.

I looked at him confused. "Do I what?" I asked bewildered.

The preacher sighed. "Do you take this man to be your wedded husband? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him in sickness and in health, remaining faithful to him as long as you both shall live?"

I'm so stupid. "Oh sorry.. I do." I replied.

He sighed in relief. I guess he is getting paid by my answer as well. "Then by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.......

And that's how I got married to the most dangerous man on this planet carrying his unknown baby.

However let me tell you how this all started.

Sorry if chapters are not long. I use my phone to write.

This book is not edited and won't be until towards the end. So u apologise in advance for any mistakes.

So hope you likeyy my bookeyy.

Comment you opinions.

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