Chapter 3

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<Not Edited>


"Why are you so happy coming down the stairs, all smiles and shit?" My right hand man Leon asked, diving straight into my fridge.

My face dropped as I released I was cheesing. "I'm not." I said, denying his claims.

He kissed his teeth. "Man why you lying with your Cheshire Cat ass." He took out the milk and grabbed some Fruit Loops from the cupboard.

I raised an eyebrow. "The real question is why are you in my house?" I snapped, grabbing the bowl from his hand. "Eating my food."

He chucked. "Why you being so defensive man. This ain't event our house it's a rental." He answered. "Now give me back my that Fruits."

Before I could answer. The girl from last night emerged from the stairs.

She looked a bit lost searching for something. She mumbled something to herself and let out a loud frustration growl. "Who do I get out this place?" She muttered to herself.

Lucky she didn't come into the room where we were and found the exit after walking up and down. "Who is that?" Leon questioned, his eyes following her on the camera, as she walked out the driveway.

She looked up and down the hall way, unsure of where to go. She pulled her phone and called someone, then sitting on the floor when she hung up.

I shrugged. She's nobody. Just some one I fucked last night." I replied uninterested. In truth she really caught my eyes. I wanted to go outside and she if she's fine but that wouldn't be such a good idea since I nearly choked her to death.

Sad thing I ain't never going to see her again she really good in bed.

"So why is your smile back?" He teased wiggling his eyebrows. "Is that a bite mark on your face?" I quickly cover it with my hand. That bitch.

"Man fuck out my house." I growled. He's getting in my damn nerves.

He put his hands up in surrender and walked towards the door. "No need to shout you kinky bastard." He walked out the kitchen, then popped his head back in. "Can I at least have the fruit loops before you start biting their faces?" He jibed. I grabbed the bowl of fruit loops and thrower it at his head.

Leon pulled back his head from the door and easily dodged it. "All you had to say was no man." He said, looking at the cereal and milk splattered across the wall and floor.

"Whatever." I grumbled. I swear, he is lucky he is the only person I could trust or else he would be six feet under right now with worms in his brain.

"Remember we have a surprise visit with Mr. Rose in two hours. I'll pick you up. Ciao." He told to me before I heard the door slam.

I groaned in frustrations the the thought of seeing that cheap piece of shit.


"Are you ready yet." Miah yelled from down stairs. "It's been an hour."

Her big mouth is getting in my nerves. "I'll be down in a second you troll." I shouted back.

I've been scrubbing my skin for the past thirty something minutes, trying to get rid of any evidence that I've lose my virginity.

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