Chapter 1

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<Not Edited>


He charged towards me, as a bull running towards a red cloth.

I raised my right fist, readying myself for a punch. As I wind back my arm, I let the stinging pain from the cut above my shoulder and the blood in my mouth transform into anger.

The anger that coursed through me infused my arm with strength, that definitely was not there.

I thrusted my elbow forward into his jaw. I heard a small crack but enough to know that there was some damage. 

Finally, I proclaimed excitedly in my head.

He collapsed as I feel my knuckles whined in protest from the impact.

My heart was beating hard in my chest as I look down at him.

Blood spilled from his mouth but he spits it out and starts to stand up. He cracked his neck and knuckles ready for another blow.

I then saw pure fury, hatred, and pain in his eyes. "Come on bitch!" He growled.

I didn't want to do this  but what choice do I have. Him calling me petty names is not going to help his situation or make him anymore of a man.

I saw him wind his arm back for a hit through the red haze that is my eyesight.

Before he landed his fist upon my face, I raise my left leg and kick him in the crotch.

I know it was a low blow but it took him to his knees, groaning in pain. I then shoved my arm down on the base of his head causing him to fall on the ground.

I got down to the floor and wheeled my elbow ready to plunge in his his sweet spot on his neck but I couldn't. His life is not mine to take.

I stared at the whimpering man frozen on my tracks. "Finish him of Thailynn." A voice yelled from across the room.

I shook my head. "I can't do it. I'm not going to kill him." I protested. I stood up from the mat and put my hand out for the guy to grab it. He grabbed it and I pulled him of the ground.

As soon as he stood up he twisted my arm and threw me to the ground. I groaned in pain at sizzling feeling in my shoulder. He clenched his fist ready to punch me in the neck but stopped when he was thrown across the room. "Don't you dare touch her! Get out the room now!" The voice bellowed angrily.

I quickly got up and stood there silently awaiting for my normal speech. "You are a real disappoint to me. Why you were born, I will never know!" He shouted, spit flying out his mouth. "All you had to do was kill him Thailynn. That's the only thing I asked you to do. After ten years of training you're still at the basic of the basic of fighting skills!"

I bowed my head, his each and every word paining my hurt. Even though I hear the same thing almost every day it doesn't stop the pain with it. "I'm sorry father." I mumbled, ashamed that I couldn't please him. I look him in the eye, knowing what will come but I still said it. "I have no right to kill him. I didn't give him life to take it away neither did you so just back off." I declared.

Just as I said that a big slap to my face landed down hard, I fell to the side, my balance off.

The left side of my face stinging but yet not as harsh as the sound made as the hand connected with my cheek.

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