the storm

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I unlocked my car and set the bags into the backseat. I put the key into the ignition and hooked my iPod up to the car. I backed out of the parking lot and made my way toward the interstate. I blared my music and concentrated on how I would tell my family about my sexuality.

I remember back to when I was a junior in high school and I had a boyfriend named Josh. He made me so happy but I didn't feel right when I was with him. It was like I was always wanting a change. When we finally broke up, I was a freshman in college. I met a girl named Lea and she of course was a lesbian. She was the usual stereotypical lesbian. Short hair with half of it shaved. Had the right ear pierced and wore the choker.

Lea was incredibly nice and had the most gorgeous eyes. She asked me if I was into girls and I had told her I was still questioning. We ended up studying together a couple of times for Psych. One night we were laughing at this stupid picture on her phone and ended up locking eyes. I knew then that I was into girls and she made my heart happy.

I wasn't a very bubbly person when it came to socialising, but when I was with Lea, I was a whole different person. Lea knew I was into her and I could tell she was into me. We had made out multiple times in my dorm. We would tell each other stories of our past and our childhood.

We made things official a couple weeks ago and she went to visit her dad 3 days ago. We had goodbye sex before she left and of course we talk on the phone a lot. When I was driving she called me multiple times and she made me pull over to call her back. I explained to her what I was doing and she missed me. I understood and I definitely missed her too, but we've been spending a lot of time together and I'm kind of getting annoyed.

It's been relaxing to be away from her even though I know I'm going to start to miss her. I has my conversation with her and we hung up. I got back onto the road and noticed the sky was a scary dark grey mixed with black. I guess I should've paid more attention to the news. I turned my music down and held onto the wheel tight, preparing for the worst.

I decreased my speed a little and kept driving. I had been driving about almost 2 hours. I kept thinking about Lea and her heart warming smile. Her voice put an automatic smile on my face. As I was thinking about her a car behind me was beeping continuously. I was in the right lane and the passing lane was clear. I was so confused so I pulled over to let this guy pass me. He stopped behind me and got out of his car. I locked the doors and waited for him to get close to my car.

I watched him get to my backdoor and I pressed on the gas. When I looked in my rearview mirror, he was waving me down. I didn't know what he wanted but I think he had the wrong person. I kept driving and often looked in the mirror to check and see if he was behind me. No sign of him and I was almost to a rest stop. I had to pee so bad and remembered I forgot to go before I left.

I pulled into the rest stop and parked as close as I could. I grabbed the keys and my bag locking the doors on my way out. I walked in and instantly smelled coffee. I ran into the bathroom and hoped the end stall was open. Thankfully it was and I quickly latched the door while pulling my pants down at the same time. I peed for a good 15 seconds. I washed my hands and left quickly before I could smell the coffee again.

I unlocked my door and got in. I looked at myself in the visor mirror and was reminded of Lea from the necklace I was wearing. She had given it to me on my birthday. We acted like we were dating for about a year before we made things official. She has trust issues and wanted to make sure I wasn't hiding anything. I was in no rush and waited patiently for a year before officially calling Lea my girlfriend.

I checked my phone before I pulled out and I had a text. It was Lea. It read:
Babe. I need help. My dad doesn't remember who I am. He was fine 3 days ago until I went shopping a little while ago. I came back and he had a gun pointed at me when I came inside. It was heartbreaking to explain to him who I was. He yelled at me and kicked me out of his house. I'm in my car sitting in his driveway. ~Lea
I called her and let her know that I was in the rest stop bathroom and had left my phone in the car. I didn't know what to tell her. This had never happened to me. I told her to give him time and show him a picture of them together. I had to get going or I wouldn't make it for dinner. I hung up after saying goodbye and pulled out. I drove back onto the highway and noticed the clouds getting darker.

I felt so bad for Lea, but I had bigger problems. I was only a half an hour away and it started to down pour. I turned on my wipers and drove slower than usual. I had noticed a house crushed by a fallen tree. I was scared now and was hoping my family was alright and safe. I sped up and took the exit that leads to the town. I looked around to see flooding and debris everywhere. Houses were demolished like a tornado came in and wiped them out.

There were people around and cars. I had my window cracked a little to hear any strange or unfamiliar sounds. Nothing. I turned onto Mapledale Drive. The houses of my old neighbors had been destroyed. My stomach was turning as I turned the corner too afraid to look at my house. I pulled into the long driveway and everything seemed okay. I swerved around a tree on the path and when I looked forward I almost stopped breathing.

My beautiful, big cabin in the woods that I had called home for 18 years had been completely demolished. I was hoping it was a sick joke and my family had just built a new one right next door but my dad's car was in the driveway with the windows broken and hood smashed in. My only question was where were they? I got out and screamed, "MOM!" and there was no answer. "DAD! NATE!", nothing. I immediately panicked and cried. I could feel the warm tears falling down my cheeks and could taste the salt from them.

I ran back to the car and grabbed my phone. I called my mom and it automatically went to voicemail. I then called my dad and it rang. I waited for his sweet, calm voice to answer and tell me they were at one of the diners done the road. He answered but it wasn't him. "Who is this and why do you have Aaron Harrington's phone?" I asked out of breath from panicking. I heard breathing and a very low, disturbing voice say "Aaron will be unavailable for awhile." but as soon as I could respond it disconnected. What did the man in the phone mean?

I was so stressed and couldn't control my tears. I don't know where they went and all the memories we had in that house were running through my mind at the same time. I shut the door and started up the car. The gas was low and it beeped to let me know. I reversed out of the driveway just as my dad had taught me at 16. I avoided the tree and pulled onto the road. I drove to the Seven Eleven that was right down from our house.

It was empty and there was a sign on the door that said "Just take the nozzle out of pump 3 and take as much as you need." Something bad happened to Rochelle and I couldn't catch on. I drove up to pump 3 and filled the tank. My car sounded better and I started up the car slowly pulling away.

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