Chapter 11 Captivity and Sadness

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Shinning Armor and the guards including Special Agent Sweetie Drops were close to Canterlot castle.Twilight was still unconscious. Shinning took a second to look backwards, seeing the guards holding Twilight who was still unconscious.

He felt really bad for doing this to her but he knew it needed to be done. If he hadn't did what he did Twilight would've fallen for Sombra's trap.

As they got closer and closer to Canterlot castle Twilight started to stir awake. The guards holding Twilight stopped, the rest of the guards looked around and saw what was going on. Shinning Armor gave them the signal and they started to move at a faster pace.

They passed the gates into Canterlot and walked through the city. As ponies saw the princess tied up they knew something was wrong. But Shinning noticed their stares and decided to say something to ease there worries.

"It's ok everypony, this is a royal matter, there is nothing to worry about" he said reassuring the ponies of Canterlot there was nothing to worry about. Everypony looked at him their expressions changed from one of confusion to one of understanding. They went back to doing the things they were doing and did not question him.

The guards started to walk again and pick up pace before Twilight woke up.

They arrived at the castle entrance and entered. As they did Shinning Armor stopped them and said. "This is the plan I will take Twilight to her room and I'll lock her in there until I can find out what is best in this situation" he said to them quietly , but not too quietly so they couldn't hear him.

"YES SIR!!" They yelled out, and they all left to go to their posts in an orderly fashion marching.

Sweetie Drops decided she should go tell the princess about Twilight. "Sir I am going to inform Princess Celestia the plan has succeeded" all Shinning did was nod to Sweetie and so she walked towards the throne room.

Shinning looked towards the limp Twilight on the floor and walked towards her. He illuminated his horn. It admired a dark pink glow and he picked her up slowly with his magic and sighed. "Twilight I am so sorry, but this is for your own good" he said softly and he walked down the long hallway.

In the Throne Room

Sweetie Drips made it to the throne room. The double doors were shut , so she pushed open the doors and pushed with all her might. The princess looked at Sweetie and knew right away the plan had succeeded. "I'm guessing the plan has been successful" she said looking at Sweetie kindly.

"Yes your majesty it has and Shinning Armor is taking care of Twilight for now"she said. She stood straight and looked at the princess with a dignified look on her face. Celestia looked at Sweetie and asked.

"What is Shinning Armor doing with Twilight exactly" she asked with curiosity.   

"Oh he's going to lock her in her room" as Sweetie said this Celestia heard something come from the corridor , she got up from her throne and ran towards the doors"

With Shinning and Twilight

As he as walking with Twilight in his magical grasp, he suddenly felt her start to move. So he started to quicken his pace towards Twilight"s room.

Twilight opened her purple eyes slowly, blinking a few times to get used to the light. When she tried to move she felt that she couldn't. So she looked at herself an noticed she was bound.

She saw the pony who was holding her was Shinning and she was in Canterlot castle. She then started to struggle. "Mmmmm mmmm" she yelled out in frustration and anger, as she kept trying to get freed.

Shinning felt her start to struggle. He looked at her and saw she was wide awake and she looked scared and angry. He kept going. And they passed the throne room.

As they passed Twilight.screamed with all her might hoping Celestia was in there, so she can save her. "Mmm mmm mmm mmm" she yelled with all her might pleading for Celestia to help her.

Suddenly the throne room doors opened and Celestia came out of the throne room and saw Shinning Armor with a bound and gagged Twilight in his magical grasp, walking around the corner.

Celestia decided to follow them to where they were heading. So she followed them.

In the Room

Shinning and Twilight were in the room. It was decorated the same as Cadance's room only there were books on a shelf near the bed and the room was coloured pink.

Shinning walked to the bed and laid Twilight down carefully on the bed. Twilight kept strughling and screaming pleading Shinning to let her go. She had a pleading look on her face.

Shinning looked at Twilight and said. "I'm sorry twily I can't let you go back to that monster" he said to her looking at her upsettingly.

Suddenly the doors opened wide open, a fast SWOOSH could be heard as the door flung open. Celestia looked at Shinning and then looked at Twilight. Once she saw Twilight she saw that once Twilight saw her she was happy.

She then looked back at Shinning sternly. "Why is Twilight tied up Shinning Armor?"

He looked at her and said. "Because she wouldn't cooperate with me and the guards so we had to take precautions"

Celestia looked back at Twilight. "Untie her now , I will have a word with her alone, that means you will have to leave"

Shinning did as the princess asked and he used his magic to untie her hooves and untie the gag. Then he waked towards the door and looked at Twilight for a second, who just turned her head away from him looking angry.

He walked out and closed the door behind him.

Celestia sighed and walked to the bed and sat next to a crying Twilight. She could see Twilight was upset anypony would be. So she decided to comfort Twilight the best she could.

"Twilight I'm so sorry I only told Special Agent Sweetie Drops and Shinning Armor to find you, I didn't tell them to hurt you" she then saw Twilight look up to her. Twilight still had tears in her eyes and was SNIFFLING.

Celestia leaned towards Twilight and carefully placed her hooves around her and hugged her softly and she whispered. "Now Twilight let's talk about what happened to you  were with Sombra" Twilight looked up at Celestia at hearing Sombra's name. 

With Sombra

At Sombra's castle Sombra had awaken a few hours ago yelling at all his servants every time they tried to help him. He lost her he didn't try hard enough to save her and now she was gone. "I have lost her, the only one I've ever loves is gone" he thought.

Speedy Silverstreak was passing the throne room and she saw Sombra. She had never seen him so broken in all the time she had been working for him.

He had snapped just like when he was a foal and now the only thing that could make him happy again was Twilight.

Speedy decided to comfort her king, even though he was in a delicate state. "Your highness we will get Twilight back , don't give up hope just yet" she said to him trying to sound as hopeful as possible.

He looked towards her and saw she was the only one in the room who could have said it and said. "Then what if we do get her back they will find a way to save her. Face it I'll never feel love like that again"

He sounded broken to Speedy like he really gave up all hope in getting Twilight back.

Speedy walked out of the throne room and said to herself. "If you won't get her back then I will get her back for you" she then kept walking and knew what to do.

Sombra just sat there and thought about Twilight, the dates , the day they met, the day she made love to him. She made it perfect she showed him love that night and now he would never feel anything like it again.

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