Chapter 14 Together Again

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As the couple came home with Speedy the shadow whisked its way into the castle. The shadow turned into a solid form and then appeared Sombra,Twilight and Speedy.

So,bra looked at Twilight and saw she looked a bit sick. "Twilight are you ok ?" He asked worriedly.

Twilight looked at him and smiled. "I'm fine , I loved it, that ride was amazing one day you've gotta teach me how to do that" Sombra could tell Twilight was happy and he was glad she wanted to learn how to do it.

And in that moment he thought to himself. "This is my chance if I can show her my dark magic knowledge she will get closer to becoming my queen" " I would be glad to teach you but I think we deserve some alone time together" he spoke out to her.

Twilight could tell what Sombra meant , just by the lustful grin on his face. "Ok let's go ... My King" she said giving him the lustful grin he gave her.

Sombra just grinned at her and grasped her hoof in his. And like the gently colt he was , took her to their room.

Speedy left and decided the two should be alone. "They are finally happy again. I feel so good... Well time to get back to work" she then skipped happily down the hall.

Sombra and Twilight were in there room cuddling on the bed. Sombra had his hooves around her. His left hoof went around her shoulders, and the right was around her waist. Twilight's head was underneath his chin, and Sombra's head was on top of hers.

Twilight's eyes were closed but she was wide awake lying there in his embrace. Sombra was happy to have her back in his hooves. They were both happy to be together again. That's all that mattered to them at this moment in time. 

"I was broken without you ya know" he then looked at her. Then he stroked a hoof through her mane softly. Twilight then opened her beautiful eyes and looked at him and saw his sweet smile. She closed her eyes and smiled. Sombra loved her sweet smile.

With Speedy in the Hallway

Speedy was walking towards the Kings room , come from the kitchen to tell the king that dinner was ready. She just hoped she wouldn't be disturbing the king and Twilight. "Let's just hope their not busy" anyone who would look at her would be able to tell right away that she was worried.

She approached the door quietly and knocked on the door. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. Then she decided to speak through the door. "Your highness its dinner time , are you busy?" She tried to sound as polite as possible.

In the Room

Sombra had heard what Speedy said. He was just to focused on Twilight to even speak, but he decided  dinner would be great. "Speedy we will be there in a minute" he told her.

On the outside of the door Speedy heard what Sombra said and left to go to her room.

Sombra shook Twilight lightly to wake her up slowly. "Twilight its dinner time. Come on let's go eat" he whispers to her lightly. Twilight turned around to face him and she nodded. They both got out of the bed and they walked out the door.

As they walked to the dinning room, Twilight leaned her head onto Sombra's shoulder. Feeling his warm , soft fur. Sombra let her do what she felt most comfortable doing. And they kept walking towards the dinning room.

In the Kitchen

When they arrived in the kitchen. Sombra pulled out a chair for Twilight. Twilight sat down on the chair and he punched it in for her. She smiled warmly at him. Then Sombra went to his seat at the end of the table and sat down.

They both had chicken noodle soup with crackers to dip. Twilight was eating slowly. As  for Sombra he was eating at a regular pace. They were both just sitting there and eating. Sombra decided to start up a conversation.
"So Twilight are you feeling ok?"

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