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................ We drove round for a while to try to throw of Gregor if he was looking for us as I tried to reign in my emotions Seth hand stroked the back of mine calming me. Hell we’d ran out of the Opera house like Cinderella leaving the ball at midnight only I still had both shoes and I’d run with my guy… My Guy??? Okay can’t think of that right now.

The more I thought about the thing Gregor had said the more shy I became of Seth he’d taken my side against that of his immortal family… I knew how it felt to have no one and nothing It hurt to think he was on the brink of losing his even if they were awful. I couldn’t look at him as we got out of the car in a parking garage Seth hand was on my back as we stepped into the elevator.

“Are you alright?” Seth Lifted my chin with his hand worry furrowed his brow I felt a stab of pain at how much pain was in his eyes “I Wish that he had of gone on business all of the things that he said to you” he sounded nervous “I do not think the way he does and I will not allow his hatred to hurt you… You mean too much to me”

He let go of me and looked away his hands clasped behind his back the elevator seemed to be trembling, I could feel something but it wasn’t the anger that I’d felt before when he’d made the ground shake it was more a nervous thing. The only sound other than the whirr of the elevator was the swish of my dress on the floor as I moved to face him, I cupped his face with one hand making him look at me, I stared into his eyes.

“I Know you don’t think like him, Seth. You’re different I’ve never blamed you for what happened to me” I swallowed “I remember the look on your face as you took the bolt of lightning to your sword and it broke… I remember the pain and the sound of your voice when you yelled no when it did what it did to me” I sighed “I’m mad with the Vandes’s for what they have done to my Family all but one because you mean a lot to me as well” I felt him relax. I stepped back from him “Where are we going?” I realized I hadn’t paid attention to where we were going.

“My Rooms” Seth Looked at me “People will not dare come here without my permission even after what happened… and with the storm we have brewing outside you will have the opportunity to calm down without anyone bothering you” he smiled at me “And I’ve had so many thoughts of having such a beautiful woman in my rooms…” he’d relaxed because he knew if he relaxed I probably would as well. I faked a gasp and put my hand to my chest feigning shock.

“Mr. Vandes did you just flirt with me?”

He rolled his eyes and shook his head as he stood next to me, his hand reached for mine as a comfortable silence settled over us he was watching the lights of the elevators worry still on his face but not as prominent as it had been I gripped his hand making sure he knew it was okay, his thumb began a steady motion on the back of my hand. Warmness spread from his palm radiating out down to his finger tips warming both out hands as if the fire he could call up was meeting with the heat of the lightning I could summon creating a different intimate feeling of warmth.

The doors slid open on the elevator, I could see the smile on his lips as we got out the only noise now coming from my gown against the marble floor. Something caught my eye at the end of the corridor. The storm that had followed us had vanished the night sky was inky and the stars were shining bright as if nodding there approval of my actions.

My hand suddenly felt empty as Seth reached for his key. I smiled as he pulled out and ornate old style brass key and he pushed it into a lock whereas most doors these days had either little keys or card locks. I looked at him with curiosity, he was so different.

“These are my favorite set of room” he said resting his hand on the door handle and he pulled out the key “Because I’ve changed them so little over time… I stay here a lot of the time well I have since it became a little more bearable” he looked at me “I have made a few up grades” he pushed open the door “With honing my skills shall we say things have had to be strengthened so you’ll find your gifts will be absorbed rather than lighting a beacon screaming of your presence” He faced me “Not even my family no where this place is you learn after almost 150 years you have to have somewhere for privacy or you will end up with a group of dead immortals” I smiled at him “It is one thing my siblings actually do respect” he sighed and stepped back “Miss Remus Welcome to my home”

I was more than a little intrigued to see what sort of place made Seth comfortable, yes I’d been on his bed but there was almost no light to speak of and I had a few other things on my mind that night. He had money of that there was no doubt but he didn’t flash it, he never over dressed or threw it around he was just Seth. We walked in and he reached and flicked on a light switch bathing the room in front of us in warm light.

It was so elegant but yet masculine the rich colors the lined the walls in bold Victorian patterns didn’t seem over the top. A large ornate fireplace was on the far wall opposite with a gilt edged mirror hanging over it Sofa’s faced each other with a table between them in a dark green velvet with high tables at their backs each had a silver set of candlestick on them with a larger candelabra on the mantle next to a clock that had a deep tick. He moved in front of me a little way and lifted his hand.

“Light us and warm us my friend” he murmured low and soft as a dancing ball of flame sprang from each of his finger tips “Go” he smiled as the balls moved away hoping and bouncing over each other touching the tips of the candles bringing them flickering to life, Seth moved his hand slowly down and the electric light turned off as on ball of flame brought the candles on the mantle to life. The reflection of their flames was glittering all they all dropped into the fireplace and the fire lit the warmth almost immediate…………………..

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