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........... I will always protect you now Star… I will never harm you. You have my word on my honor I will always be there for you. I cannot and I will not lose you again” His hand stroked my hair “You mean too much to me”

He lifted my face to his bring his lips to mine in another kiss. This one different from the last still soft and gentle but something was behind it like a licking flame more passionate than tame. My arms moved up and round his neck, my hand pulling the loosened ribbon from his hair dropping it on to the couch before my hands returned to draw through it, a moan came from his lips. Seth’s hands held my waist and then moved round me and his fingers slowly stroked the skin above the corset on my back. He leant me back into the softness of the velvet that covered the couch. I pulled back and looked at him slight panic and confusion was written on his face, the room was brighter as the flames in the fire and on the wicks of the candles had grown larger is if being force fed oxygen.

Seth quickly sat up and raked a shaky hand through his hair. “I am sorry…” He stammered “In one breath I talk of protecting you and in the next I try to… Take advantage” He shook his head and chewed his lip moving to sit on the edge of the couch “I did not mean to make the evening so intimate… I promise there was no fore thought or intent meant to…”

I moved forward and covered his mouth with my hand

“Damn you can babble” He raised his eye brows at me “You did not take advantage of me” I rolled my eyes and smiled at him as he blinked at me “I wanted to kiss you and I wanted you to kiss me… and I’d like more from you… I need more from you… you’re a part of my life that is as important as breathing… I want to be with you’ Okay I was starting to sound like him now “So what do you say to that?”

I lowered my hand noticing his eyes seemed to darken to match the night as I spoke, he was thinking the same way I was only his honor had held him back his 128 years of hurt held him on the edge of fear. Instead of answering the question with words he moved swiftly and pulled me into another kiss that could have seared a steak across the room, I felt like fire was lapping at me skin. Seth’s hand moved up from my waist and played with the lace on the sleeve of my gown before cupping the side of my neck. I reached for him pulling him closer my fingers working on the buttons that he hadn’t undone. My hands rested on his hard chest his skin felt slick and hot, I moaned and got up and took his hand leading him to the bed.

I let go of his hand and turned to move the covers back. I felt his hands on my arms pulling me back as I finished. Seth walked round in front of me his one hand trailing round my waist heat radiating where it touched me he brought me in for another kiss both hands moving up my neck playing with the choker his one finger running the length it the dropper on it. Warm air swirled behind me and the corset loosened a little I smiled at him he bit his lip.

‘You know it is normally the man that does the seducing” he breathed in my ear

“Yeah well not anymore” I looked at him before moving my mouth next to his ear “Women take what we want… I take what I want” I pushed his shirt down over his arms I stifled the gasp at the perfect chest and defined abs that would make any girl’s mouth water. He looked like he’d been carved from marble. I swirled on of my fingers making a breeze blow as my other hand traced the contours of his chest and then each of his abs tiny droplets of water coming from my finger tips making his shiver a little and the muscles tighten even more. He caught my hands and moved himself round behind me.

“Darling, when we are done, you won’t know what steady ground is anymore”

He caught my ear in his teeth, making me gasp not enough to hurt but his hot breath was making my head spin, Seth drew his fingers along my jaw again touching the choker before unclipping it and removing it putting it on to the nightstand. His fingers moved to the bare skin and stroked lightly heat from his hand working out any of the tension still left from the encounter with Gregor. I murmured at the sheer ecstasy of his touch. I wanted him and immortal or not I’m sure the fire and need in me was going to kill me.

Seth’s fingers were continuing where the wind had left off and was working the ribbon on my corset unlacing it, I caught a strong scent of Freesias. I looked over my shoulder at him he smiled and twirled a deep orange bloom in his fingers as he tugged the last of the ribbon free from the dress and dropped it to the ground. He trailed the flower from the soft spot below my ear across the back of my neck and slowly down my spine. His lips moved to my shoulder lightly kissing and licking from one side to the other. The flower petals felt soft like a feather that as he reached the bottom on the corset where it joined the skirt my I arched back into him and moaned louder. I tried to turn round to face him but he stopped me

“Not yet” he murmured in my ear “enjoy the feeling”…………………….

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