Chapter 1: Ring Around a Rosie

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ring around a rosie

a poketful of posies

ashes! ashes!

we all fall down!

Ring Around a Rosie was one of the main ring game songs we used to sing when we were younger. We all used to love this song growing up but i wonder if our feelings will still stay the same after you read the true meaning behind this 'lovely' song...

Lets hop on our time machine to the origination (is that a word?) of basically our freaking childhood. In 1665, London England, there was a plague. It was called the Bubonic plague. Lets just say, it wasn't just a "few coughs going around giving you an excuse or pretence (for my real savages)to not go to school for today" type of plague. Oh no no no!This plague killed 43 MILLION people. The bacteria which we now know as Yersinia Pestis, was carried from China across the East in to Europe by Mongolian merchants. It was originally brought to ports by rats infected with fleas which would infest wool, silk, linen and boxes of goods being transported by ship to ports and cities throughout Europe. The plague spread through every level of society and could not be avoided.

Imagine it was a disease that was as bad as zic-v but you couldn't avoid it....

it got so bad that people started to believe more into these ridiculous medical beliefs like carrying flowers or herbs to avoid the 'evil' that causes the illness. That would explain the pocketful of posies.

the ring around a rosie of the song is depicting the red big sores that circulates around the victims

and we all fall down mean  ....well...... the grim reaper has arrived and done his job

i dont know about you but i will never see this song as what it was before.  What about you? comment below (-;
Gotta love that me life

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