Hailey moved in with her older brother Matthew Espinosa too LA. She meets a couple of new friends there. Her fame may be put too the test. What happens when she mindlessly falls in love with a boy named....
Hailey POV: I wake up too my alarm going off. I remember what happened yesterday and how hayes called me cute. I remembered school and how i start in two days. I better go shopping today. I checked my phone too see Ariel and Mario had texted me a few minutes ago. Ariel-A Hailey-H A:
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A: I have a suprise for you just follow these steps. H: Ok but your freaking me out but ok. A: 1. Go down stairs and follow the trail 2. Make sure your ready tho 3. Walk out the door 4. There lies your surprise. H: Ok I'll do that in 15 minutes. A: Ok but hurry because your suprise can go rotten. H:ok bye babe 😘 A: bye honey bunches 😘 End of conversation What was that about and my suprise can rotten. Ok just get dressed Hailey. I got dressed into this ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇
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Ok now go down stairs and follow the trail? When i went too the stairs there was a big trail of roses. Ok thats not weird. I went too my door and saw.... Mario and Ariel waiting in a car for me. I broke down in tears. We got into the car and went too the mall. I told them how im going to public school in 1 day not counting today. I told them everything. All of a sudden my phone blows up more than usual. I'll just check it at home. We shopped and they told me that they live 1 house diwn from me. But Mario lived across the street. I was so happy when they told me that now i actually have friends there. They are going too the same high school as me. This day can't get any better. We got tired and we drove home. I opened the door and ran up stairs. I realized no one was home so i decided too check why my phone was buzzing so much. I read... (Comments- Bold) 1.OMG Hailey your Matthew 2.Espinosa's little sister. 3.Idk that you had a brother. 4.I feel like this is just a joke unless she confirms it then I'll believe him. 5. No way you guys are brother and sister. 6- someone tagged you in Matthew Espinosa's picture 7- you were tagged in Matthew Espinosa's picture 8-you were tagged in Matthew Espinosa's picture 9-you were mentioned in a comment. There were about 100 of ppl tagging me in his recent pic and saying the same thing over again. I read the post. It said Post- in slanted writing Hey you guys i need too tell you something...i kinda have a sister her name's Hailey she's 14 years old and she is well known on Tumblr. She is now going too live with me in LA because our parents died as i said. I love her very much and i kept it in because i was afraid too tell you guys that i had a sister. The only ppl who knew before were Shawn Mendes, BabyAriel and Mario Selman. Please be nice too her she's my little sis and yes we have the same mom and the same dad ok. Just please don't give her hate i poured all my heart into this and i hope some of you except it. Everyone was freaking out all the fan pages that i follow were talking about it and i was relieved that he told them then i decided too post something on every social media confirming this claim. So for everyone i put this Yes Matthew Espinosa is my big brother. I love him very much and i understand why he was scared too tell his supporters. But now we think its the right time too let everyone know and yes ik Shawn,Ariel and Mario. Ariel and Mario have been my Bestfriends since birth. And me and Shawn have known eachother since i was 12 ik was very young. But any way i just wanted too confirm all that Matthew said. After i tagged all them and posted it. I went on hulu too watch scream queens on my laptop. I had a stash of snacks in my room all the time. When i heard a knock on the door. I say come in and it was Hayes. It just me and him in the house that's just great the boy who called me cute and me are alone in the house. "What do you want Hayes" i said annoyed. You know what i want...i want you babygirl." he said seductively. "Ughhh no just get out of my room..you pervert" i said very annoyed now. He went and sat on the edge of the bed. He pinned me onto my bed. "Let me go Hayes i swear im gonna tell my brother. And this is considered rape" he looked at me while i was swarming. Then someone came in the house i heard the door close thank god. It was Nash and Cameron i can tell cause they were talking. "NAAASHH CAAMERON" i screamed at the top of my lungs. They came barging in the room "what" Cameron said but we stopped and looked Hayes seemed too ignore everything. Nash grabbed Hayes off of me. "What the fucks wrong with you. Don't touch her ever again." Nash screamed at Hayes. Are you okay i knew we shouldn't have left in the house with Hayes. Im so sorry" he said trying too hold back the tears. I was crying a little bit. We talked for a while we have a lot in common. He's like my second brother. He's really sweet. After i got tired and i don't remember falling asleep all i know is that i was asleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks for reading and please vote it means a lot. Luv ya babes😋😊😘😛