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She smiles a lot. That is the first think I realize about her. Her smile reaches her eyes, makes it to the shape of a crescent moon.

The boys were smitten, and the second think I realize is she is beautiful. Or that's what the boys think.

The girls have vary reactions. Some happy to have a new kid in the class, some in awe, some are jealous, some don't care, etc. Im not sure what my reaction suppose to be. Neutral?

I sneak a peek at the boy who sits beside me, curios of his reaction.

He doesnt seem too interested like Kai, who wouldn't stop teasing her until she blush and the teacher knocking his head.

He doesn't seem to silently appreciating her beauty like Baekhyun who still looking at her.

He doesn't seem to have any reaction. He looks at the event just like when he looks at the board on usual lesson.

Bored? Im still not sure. He is hard to read.

If he, my crush, doesnt seem to take a liking on this girl, I think she will be fine.

She won't get to my hit list. But it doesn't mean I will ask her to join my group, nope. I think she is qualified because of her beauty but I think she is too innocent.

The teacher asks her to sit on an empty seat.

It is in front of Taeyeon, the girl I hate. I hate her but I didn't give her any hard time just because she dates our famous sunbae.

Beside Taeyeon, Yoona, her bestfriend is excited. She seems to be very happy that the new girl sits near her.

I dont like Yoona too but she is fierce. If I give her a hard time I'm sure I'll be dead.

In front of her, Chanyeol is excited.

She walks to the table and says hi to all of them with that smile and eyes of her.

Kai and Baekhyun look dissapointed that she doesn't sit close enough.

Me, from the far back is just looking at them. Trying to keep my face neutral but I have a feeling that I won't like her.

I remember when I first came not all the boys were giving reaction like they give it to her.

But I remember him. The boy that helped me on the first day. He told me my assigned class and we walked together around the school as he introduce the school to me.

I can still remember the girls envy face as he walked beside me.

We also dated to a cafe. Just the two if us.

He sits beside me now, and I am very happy about it.

He came early on the day where we can pick our chair with his friends.

I was so happy that I saw his bag on the far back table. Turns out the boys came early to take all the back chairs.

I didn't come early enough for the middle row were also filled.

I looked at his table again. To his right is Park Chanyeol, and to his left is Xi Lu Han. On his front is Kim Jongdae.

I was pissed a little because I really want to sit beside him.

I took my chance and walk to Park Chanyeol who is talking with Luhan, Jongdae, and him.

"Park Chanyeol, sorry but I was going to sit here"

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