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This story is dedicated to maybe the best reader I've ever found: xolovehuney. She made me open this and continue writing after I abandon this story for months. (And she like and review every story, thats the best I could hope for)

I hope you and other readers love this story. Here you go!

(Btw Soon Mi is my original character. I always use the name to be the antagonist)


Tiffany is one of those people who is very hard to say no to people. She thinks helping people is a way to get the world to a little bit better, so if you can do it, why not?

Thus this takes Tiffany into unfortunate situation. She says yes to every people asking for help as if she is bewitched. She really can't finds herself saying no.

Lots of people know how Tiffany always helps them when she can and lots of people take that to their advantage. They start to take her for granted.

They even ask for help for ridiculous things. Like this girl before her, rubbing her hands together and look at her in pleading look.

"Please just this once" the girl said. Everybody said that to her when they asked for a big help from her.

"The restaurant is close to your house anyway" she says again. Tiffany wants to bang her hand on the table and asks if her little brain thinks that is a good excuse.

"Yeah, okay" yet that word is the words that slides out of her lips. The girl in front of her jumps in excitement and then speaks to her about the thing.

Tiffany doesnt listen. Her mind is on mute. Suddenly the bland flower outside seems to be the most interesting thing in the world.

"Are you listening?" She snaps her hand in front of her face after talkimg non stop for about five minutes. Tiffany lazily looks at her and nod "yeah".

"Great. Remember, Cancion Restaurant at 5pm" she says and takes her bag to go before she disappears out of the class, leaving Tiffany alone.


She is really not wanting to go but her traitous mouth just can't stop saying 'yeah, I'll help you'.

She practically drags her feet until she arrives in front of the said restaurant.

It is a modest restaurant with vintage theme all over. The boy has great taste.

Yes. Tiffany is meeting a boy. Her 'friend' said she set up a blind date for herself but can't show up because she needs to do something so suddenly.

She just needs to say she is 'Soon Mi', the girl who asked to take her place.

"Is there anyone waiting for Soon Mi?" She asks the waiter standing in front of the door. The waiter has bowl-cut hair and cutesy face. He grins handsomely at guests but when he looks at her, he frowns.

"Yes. Please follow me" he starts to walks inside, expecting her to follow. He takes her to a table, where a boy already sits there.

Her breath hitches. The boy on the table looks suprisingly handsome. He seems tall. He has a broad shoulder, sharp eyes, and light brown hair parted in the middle.

He is looking at her as she follows the waiter. The waiter shows her to the seat and he pulls the chair for her. Tiffany reminds herself to tip him. The handsome boy, which suprisingly is her date, stands up for her also.

"Hello" Tiffany starts, smiling to him. He gives a tight smile back so she reckon he is not the people who easily throw smiles at people.

"May we start ordering?" He asks, pointing to the menu in front of her. She notes to herself that she loves how he sound.

Tiffany X Sehun ParadeWhere stories live. Discover now