Johnny Storm Imagine (part two)

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Third Person POV

It's been a week and everybody is talking except you and Johnny. You decided enough was enough, you had to apologize to Johnny you were way out line!

"Johnny!" You called as you were about to walk into Reed's lab, Johnny had just exited. Johnny turned saw you and started running the opposite way. "Johnny please! I want to apologize!" You had never apologized to Johnny about anything before. He stopped and looked at you.

When you finally got closer to him you realized why he had been in the lab he was getting his new super suit that Reed designed. You gulped to say you were a little intimidated was an understatement.

"You want to say you're sorry, to me?" He queried.

"Yes is that so hard to believe!" You spit at him. He shot you a knowing look. "I mean yes. Johnny I'm so sorry about your whole Sue fiasco! I was way out of line and you're right I should mind my own business and I'm just so sorry!" He smirked.

"I accept your apology." He replied.

"Okay." You clapped your hands together awkwardly in front of you.

"Okay." He scratched the back of his neck, it dove you crazy (in a good way) when guys did that! You blushed and cursed yourself for being so weak you didn't know what was happening to you! Johnny never made you feel like this!

"So I'm gonna go now!" You told him. He nodded.

"See you at dinner, will you be joining us?" He called to you.

"Where do you think I'd go, it's not like I have any other friends or any place else to be!"

"Boo hoo for you!" He yelled now both of you being at opposite ends of the hall.

"Well, at least I'm not Johnny Storm with so many places to be and I don't remember a single place I've been!" You retorted sharply.

"Ha ha ha very funny!" He cries out before leaving. You shake your head what just happened? Is all you can think.

Dinner with Sue and Johnny(or maybe not)

"Hey Sue where is everyone?" You ask, the dinning room is completely empty. Sue who was setting the table shrugs then says,
"Reed would like to eat in the lab and Ben is gone out with Alicia and Johnny I have no clue." Just then Johnny cleared his throat from the door way.

"Oh, hey Johnny!" You wave he comes in.

"Here I have something for you." He hands it to you, your book. It's a bit burnt but the pages are all intact. "Turn it over." He points you do and what you find on the back makes you feel butterfly's. Charred and Scarred is engraved with soot and ash.

"Oh thank you Johnny!" You wrap your hands around his neck and hug him. "You're the best!"

"Oh, it was nothing I needed to say sorry too and I felt this was the best way to say it." He blushed.

"Well, I was never mad at you more like mad at me but apology accepted as well!" You, Sue, and Johnny eat together and had a good night.

Three Months Later

You and Johnny had gotten closer and it surprised you both, in a good way. One day you were sitting in the living room reading your book like you normally did, when Johnny walked in. He stood in the middle of the room.

"John-" you looked up but stopped when you saw what he was wearing. He smirked.

"Hey." He said in a deep voice. You waved nervously. He smirked walked over to you laying on the couch and crouched in front of you so you were both eye level.  He leaned in and your lips touched, they moved in perfect sync. You heard footsteps but didn't bother to break away to see them because you could tell by there thoughts it was Sue by the way she gloating about how she knew this would happen. Johnny deepened the kiss you were fine with it. When you broke a part to take a breather you smiled at him. He smiled back.

"So what's with the get up?" You asked.

"Well, remember that day in the hallway about three months ago and don't think I didn't see you checking me out in my super fine super suit!" You blushed at what he said.

"Well don't think I didn't hear your voice in your head saying 'I want her' and then 'dude don't mess this up she's gorgeous'!" It was now you turn smirk and his to blush. "You think I'm gorgeous!" You taunted him. He stood up and ran his hands down his suit as if feel it for the first time.

"You think I'm gorgeous, and you have every right to think that cause it's true!" You huffed such a show off.

"Just come back over here a and kiss me you big oaf!" You sat up and patted the space beside you. Gladly he sat and your make out scene was started again. All you could think was.

Me and Johnny!

(Y/N) and Johnny!

(Y/N) and Johnny Storm! Uggg! If you were going to date him you might need to take more naps!

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