Winter Solider Imagine

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(Y/S/H/N)= Your Superhero Name

It was a cold night out. You sat on the roof of a tall apartment building freezing your butt off (in a thin not warm or comfortable at all super suit) while you suspected everyone inside was happy and warm sitting by their televisions and fires.

"(Y/S/H/N), do you see the solider?" Steve or as the world knew him Captain America spoke to you through your earpiece.

"No Rogers I would radio you as soon as- never mind Steve I see movement! I'll radio if I need backup!" You whispered into the earpiece as a figure moved closer. Nobody would be on a roof on a night like this you'd have to be A)Crazy B)Stupid C) Assassinating someone because they are option A) or D) Trying to catch said expert assassin so everyone else in the world can keep drinking their hot cocoa and not move their ungrateful bodies off the couch while they binge watch OUAT*(love that show!!) for hours on end while your out here developing a serious case of frostbite! The figure you could see was definitely a man and muscular man. Perhaps not as big as Steve but close.

Suddenly the snow started to pick up. The wind was harsher than ever and it was getting hard to see. You closed your eyes for a moment rubbing the snow off of your eye lashes. The figure was gone when you opened up your eyes again.  Suddenly behind you, you heard the slapping of feet on the icy roof. You spun around quickly all most slipping in the process.

The Winter Solider. 

"Come with me Solider and this all could be over no one will get hurt." You said to him calmly trying to reason with him. He didn't say a thing but he aimed for you. You dogged his first punch. A fight broke out you called for back up. Steve radioed that he was on his way.

Suddenly the Solider pinned you to the ground.  He was about to launch a punch straight to your face with his metal arm. During your fight you managed to rip off his face mask. He was breathing heavy and close to your face. You did the last thing you could possibly think of just to buy yourself a little more time you raised your head to his and pressed your lips to his. His breath hitched in his throat. He didn't kiss back or even move at all. It just made you kiss him harder. You could feel his metal arm stir he was going to move it and you had to time it just right. He moved his arm to pull you away and you jumped swung yourself around and onto his back. You put all your weight on him. He fell you grabbed his arms and put them behind his back. He sneered. You cuffed his hands stood him up.

"Your coming with me to The Avengers facility Winter Solider." You said and he broke free. You forgot about his metal arm! "Wait!" You called! He turned and flashed you a smile. The only thing he said to you was

"I bid you adieu my fair lady until a brighter tomorrow shall we meet again." It had your heart racing. Did he feel the spark as well when you kissed?

"Steve, he's gone. He got away I'm sorry." You radioed Steve.

"It's fine we'll get him again soon. Come back now to The Avengers tower and we'll relax then work on a new strategy for next time." He told you.

"Okay." You said as you leaped off the roof into the cold winter's night.

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