Chapter 3

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April groaned; she was gaining consciousness again. She felt like she had just woken up in the middle of class and her teacher was going to scold her. Lifting her head slowly she realised her hair was no longer in a ponytail. It hung around her face; the blue was extremely visible in the florescent light. She got a good look at the floor too; it was just one big sheet of metal. Far off in the back ground she thought she could hear the sound of multiple cogs turning. Slowly she got to her feet and muttered quietly to herself.

“Eh, that was such a strange feeling…” Examining her body she realised her usual hoodie and jeans had been swapped for a leather zip up, one piece suit. The suit also had thin but rather heavy sheets of armour. One on each shoulder, another on each thigh and a large sheet that wraps around the chest and lower back. She was also wearing a set of armoured cloves and boots. With a chuckle April closed her hands into fists. "So cool...."

"Heh.... Not bad." April’s attention snapped to the side. Eric was standing about a meter away from her in similar clothing to hers, but made for a man. Another flush of pink crawled across the girls face as she turned away from the boy. There were a few other groans and the sound of movement. Rei was standing next to Eric; clearly she was not bothered by her sudden change of clothing. Rei almost seemed impatient for the game to begin. As April looked around the room she noticed nearly everyone was wearing the same thing, the only difference was the wide variety of long range weaponry.

The first weapon that drew her attention was the large rocket launcher that hang from a strap over A's shoulder. Lucky man.... But there was one weapon that seemed out of place from the rest. The white blonde haired girl, Luna, had a single shot bow and arrow strapped tightly to her back. She also had a quiver with 5 additional arrows.  April's expression grew with excitement as she felt the cold metal of a gun strapped to her hip. With enthusiasm, she ripped the gun out of its holster, her expression falling as she realised it was only a small 15 round hand gun.

April continued to look around the room, thinking her weapon is the most useless one there. But there was actually a wide variety of weapons. Rei had a double barrel shot gun, roughly ten rounds, Midori a sniper rifle; it was no more than five rounds. April’s thoughts where interrupted by Xander’s mad laughter as he waved two assault rifles in the air.

“This is the best game ever! I can use two guns at once!” After that was said, Matt turned and glared at the energetic male. Two 7 round hand guns in his hands. Elizabeth was standing with her beloved Xander gushing over how manly he looked; she has a small 5 round pistol hanging in its holster, tucked under her right arm. April was slightly relieved; at least her weapon was the worst in the room.

Suddenly, the bang of multiple bullets shooting through metal rang though the large room. The entirety of the room’s contents was now fixed on Eric. He had just shot about 6 holes into a chair in the corner of the room. His face had a small smirk stretched across it.

“Hm, don’t get too excited guys…. These aren’t real bullets.” He commented as he took a closer look at the bullet holes, they were burnt around the edges and there were no remains of a bullet itself. He also pulled the magazine out of his gun. Pulling out a single bullet he held it up to the light. The bullet itself was made out of thin glass filled with a light blue liquid. The liquid must have been what burnt the entry hole in the chair. Xander growled as all excitement left his face.

“God dammit, worst game ever!” He let his arms fall to his sides in disappointment. April was slightly confused on why Eric actually shot the chair, she was sure if he had of waited that the professor would have explained how the bullets worked. She let out a small sigh and turned her attention to her own small gun. Then Midori spoke up.

“I wonder if this would hurt then...” His voice trailed off then another, much louder gunshot could be heard around the room. Midori let out a scream of pure agony holding his left hand with his right, dropping his gun. Elizabeth and Luna screamed when they saw blood dripping though his fingers. Matt and Xander also saw the blood and began to freak out. They started screaming at Midori to see if he is okay but he just kept screaming. After a few seconds, his screaming began to die down and he straightened up letting go of his hand. There was a large hole right through the centre of his hand. The idiot had taken his glove off before he shot himself. The blood had stopped but the hole didn’t look like it was healing. April nearly hurled at the sight of it. Then Midori said quietly.

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