Chapter I

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Genji gazed at the stars as they flickered by. The earth beneath him was warm, and the warmth comforted him.

He lay on the grass, his eyes slowly drooping. He was tired; he was forced to train all day. His arms were weak, and he had a headache.

He gazed once again at the stars. His brown eyes locked with the moon. It was almost full, and it was beautiful.

He closed his eyes slowly, and let sleep engulf him.


"Genji! What are you doing sleeping on the grass?!" a voice shouted, and Genji opened his eyes, startled.

"I didn't do anything!" he shouted, and Hanzo laughed. "yeah, you never do anything. Come on, we need to eat then we must train."

Genji sighed. "is there ever a day where we can have a break?" he looked at the sky, never tearing his gaze from it. The beautiful streaks and vibrant colors were magnificent.

Hanzo looked at him. "yes. Just think; your birthday is in less than two weeks. You'll have the whole day off. To go to the city... Have fun..." Hanzo's voice faded as Genji lost his attention.

The city... Genji looked to his right, and gazed at the doors that separated his yard from the city life. Genji suddenly felt a pang of longing, but decided to ignore it.

"... Genji? Are you okay?" Hanzo broke Genji from his thoughts.
Genji sighed. "Yeah. I- I'm fine." he said, clearly distracted.

Hanzo raised an eyebrow. "okay then. But we really need to go. Father is preparing the training hall. He will be done soon." He said, and Genji got up.

"Yeah, okay." he walked in the dining room, Hanzo following.
Their breakfast was already done and still warm. Genji sat down in his usual seat, and Hanzo sat across from him. This was their usual seats.

Hanzo spoke after a few minutes of silence. "Genji. You have been really absent of your personality lately." he explained. "you used to be happy-go-lucky. What is wrong? You know you can tell me." he said.

Genji looked at him. "I am fine, brother. Must I reassure you every day?" he asked, slightly annoyed, and slightly humorous.
Hanzo was wide eyed. "N- No! You just have been... Off, lately." he shrugged.

Genji nodded, and sighed. "like I have explained many times, brother; I wish I could be more free. To choose what I want to do every day instead of living by a schedule." he explained.

Hanzo nodded, and the two brothers finished their meals in silence.

Once the brothers finished, they put up their dishes and walked to the Training Hall. The hall was very close to the Dining Room, so they didn't have a long walk.

Genji walked into the Training Hall, Hanzo in the lead. Hanzo stopped by a stand and grabbed his katana, sheathing it in the
sheathe he wore.

Genji walked over to his Sword display and sheathed the sword, and walked to his father and bowed, Hanzo doing the same.
Their father spoke after he turned around, his hands held behind his back.

"you are early, brothers." their father said. Genji and Hanzo bowed. "Just like always." their father laughed.

Hanzo and Genji straightened their posture, and awaited further instructions.

"Genji." his father said. Genji looked up at him. "Yes, father?"
He asked, and his father pointed to a mat on the floor at the corner of the room." you are to go there, to the right of the mat, marked in red." he ordered, and Genji nodded, and walked to his position.

"as for you, Hanzo. Go to the same mat your brother is standing on and go to the left, marked in blue." he ordered once again. Hanzo nodded, much like always, and walked to his position.

Their father walked to them. "You are to train here. Injury is allowed, but injury leading to disability such as the inability to walk or to use both arms. You may begin." he said, and walked out.

"I'll go easy on you, Brother." Hanzo taunted playfully. "we both know I have more skill."

Genji snickered. "I think you need to watch your tone there, Hanzo. We know how it ends."

"YOUR ON!" they both said in unison, and lunged at each other.

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