Alright, I'm going to talk about what I experience with anxiety.
- When anxiety attacks hit, they hit hard for me. I cry, my body trembles, and it's hard to speak.
- Do you ever practice "Here," or "Present," in your head millions of times before you get called on? Me too.
- Usually before school I'm sick to my stomach and I don't eat; I can't drink my daily coffee anymore because it upsets my stomach.
- There's sometimes where I can't get sleep. Like, I'll stay up until three to five in the morning. Or, I get too much sleep; meaning I fall asleep at, say, eleven o' clock. I wake up the next morning exhausted. But from eight to ten thirty, I don't sleep because I know I'll wake up two hours later; causing more sleepless nights.
- It's hard to talk to a teacher about something because you're afraid you'll get it wrong or you'll look dumb.
- Presentations are always a panic for me. I don't like all eyes on me, it gets me panicking.
- I happen to get nervous when I don't know if I'm doing something right.
- It's hard to talk to new people, really. If I do, it's a major accomplishment.
- Say I'm the first one done with a test. I never get up/raise my hand first. I always wait until someone else does, then I wait a moment to do it myself.
- "You'll be okay," And "Just take a few breaths," Don't work. I try, I really do. But it doesn't work.
If you have anxiety, tell me what your method is to control it. Mine are counting, breathing in and out rhythmically, tell myself that I'll do good, and that's about it.