14. | [dinner for two]

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I was staring of in to space and trying not to panic. The moon was high up on the sky, there were people walking up and down on the street and I was fine just a moment ago, but then I sent a text to Seo-Yoon about how I was going out to eat with Baekhyun and she called it a date. Now my heart was racing in my chest because I had no idea it was anything like that and I was wearing my two sizes too big eating shirt.

Did I really misunderstood it? I did not think so, but I could not be sure since it was so long since the last time I was asked out on a date that I had no idea how it went anymore.

I shamefully shook my head at the thought of my last date towards the end of high school when I spilled a milkshake all over the boy that was with me. He tried to kiss me, I didn't want to do it and I had no idea how to stop him. My lips twitched and raised in to a smile at the memory of the look he had on his face when he leaned towards me and I suddenly threw my milkshake at him and ran away screaming. I really have been embarrassing since forever.

'' You are talking to yourself and smiling like a crazy person, ginger demon. You should really not do that in public, people are going to stare. When you're behind closed doors you can have deep conversations with Bokchoy for as long as you want. ''

I smacked Baekhyun's shoulder and glared at him. I was waiting for him on a street corner and I didn't notice he walked up to me, but now that he was standing in front of me I instantly sighed in relief. There was no way this was a date since we met up like this, he was wearing a black face mask and he didn't even bring me flowers.

I laughed, shook my head and murmured: '' I should have known this wasn't a date. ''

Baekhyun's eyebrows raised with surprise. '' A date? ''

I froze and looked at him with wide eyes. '' Nothing! ''

He was giving me strange looks when we walked down the street. It wasn't one of the main ones of Hongdae, so it was a little less crowded and I felt myself grinning in excitement when he lead me to a bulgogi restaurant. He told me that he was friends with the owner and that he knew they had private booths where we will be able to eat in peace without anyone recognizing him, but I was only half listening to him and drooling at the smell of the grilled meet that hung in the air inside.

A girl grinned, shook Baekhyun's hand and glanced at me before she led us to one of the booths. The two of them were talking to each other about something while she was preparing the grill on the table, but I wasn't paying attention to them, only swaying from side to side and excitedly thinking about the dinner. Bulgogi was delicious, but also expensive and it was at least three months since I ate it for the last time. I smiled at the girl in happiness when she brought the first tray of side dishes and meat, grabbed her arm and happily asked: '' Can we start grilling now? ''

She smirked and nodded. She watched me when I started throwing the meat on the grill before she turned at Baekhyun and said: '' She is by far the weirdest person you brought here up to now. ''

'' Even weirder than Chanyeol? '' he asked and raised his eyebrows.

The girl chuckled in amusement when he didn't try to deny I was weird. '' What idol group is she part of? I don't think I've seen her on TV before. ''

Baekhyun's smile disappeared, while I snapped my fingers and pointed at her. '' You haven't seen me on TV, because I am not an idol. You could say that I am pretty famous in what I do though... I am a cleaning lady. ''

The girl's eyes widened with shock, then she walked away laughing. I shrugged to myself and clapped in excitement at the meat that was slowly cooking on the grill. Baekhyun ate only the vegetable side dishes because of his strict idol diet, but I didn't mind. I told him that he could eat all the kimchi because I really liked meat and he started making jokes along the lines of 'that's what she said', but I quickly shut him down by saying that he really shouldn't talk like that and then stick his microphone in Sehun's behind when he was on stage.

the cleaning lady » baekhyun ✓Where stories live. Discover now