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Tell me, oh why
My soul is here, trapped
When it's meant to be far away
When it's meant to soar above the earth
And reside with its brothers, sisters, and all others

Tell me, oh why
That the burning within my chest
Can never be fully realized
Stuck on this earth
Never really moving
Never really seeing

Tell me, oh why
The passions that boil in my heart
Are much too intense
For a body this soft
A will this frail

Tell me, oh why
Why a sea of twinkle lay above me
Welcoming, taunting
Overwhelming my every thought
I only wish to be with them

Tell me, oh why
I feel so lonely in a crowd
Why I feel at home in the night sky
Why I can't help but think
I'm a human,
But if you would break me open
The Milky Way would flow out

Tell me, oh why
Just a girl
With a star at the core

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