Bitter Sweet -A Hogwarts Love- 14

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Mei's p.o.v.

Something is wrong with Bianca. I don’t know what; she either changes the subject or shrugs it off whenever I mention it. I am seriously concerned. She’s like turning into the girl version of Harry Potter. She tosses, turns, moans, and breathes heavily while she sleeps. Sometimes out of no where her eyes will glaze over and she’ll shake really bad. Afterwards she has this expression of pain and worry. I really want to help her; to talk to her about whatever’s going on. She really needs help. As much as I would love to drag her to the hospital wing, or more preferably, Dumbledore, one small (and very handsome) thing stands in my way.

Seems she and Draco have been glued hip-to-hip lately. At the beginning of the week Draco seemed pretty shook up too, but now he’s pretty much just as normal; he just seems really distracted.

I am currently in Professor Binns’ History or Magic class with Bianca, Draco, Denni, and Ana. We had earlier vistited Amy and Luca in the hospital wing. Some strange fight had happened between the two. Denni was frantically scribbling down notes while Draco had his head in his hands, probably sleeping. Ana, as usual, was looking at Luca out of the corner of her eye, while he stared at the teacher with a vancant expression. All business as usual.

It was Bianca that worried me she had her head on her desk and her arms hanging loosely at her side. For some people this could be considered normal, buut Bianca was top of our class, besides Hermione or course, and was super academically focused. I am so worried about her, and I made a solemn vow to do whatever it takes to get her some help, even if I have to go through her boyfriend.

As we were all leaving class, Bianca’s eyes glazed over, and she fell to the floor.

Bianca's p.o.v.

They closed in around me, the dementors, The temarure dropped about 50 degrees. They got closer, preparing to give me their fatal kiss. Draco was behind them, we were in that fimilar areana. He was the only one that could save me. He stood there, not moving, as the dementors engulfed me.

The vision went black and I was pulled back into the real world. My vision was still a little blurry which I had learned to expect after these type of things happened. After I could see i grabbed my head and looked around. I was in the Hospital Wing. Oh God no. I don't want to be taken care of, I don't want anybody to find out whats been happening to me. It's been hard enough to cover up my new tatoo.

And to keep myself from confiding in Mei, who's been pushing me for details all week.

As I opened my eyes further I could see people sitting next to my bed. I quickly shut them again not wanting to be questioned. 'Why is it so quiet?" I thought, Then I felt stupid for forgeting that it took awhile to get my hearing back after I had these cursed visions.

Muffled sounds reached my ears and they slowly became clearer and I could make out each persons voices.

"Draco! Tell me what's going on right now! She can't keep living this way! She needs help!" Mei said loudly to him. "It's none of your buisness! She doesn't need to go to a doctor or a theripist, I am the only one she needs I'm the one that's helping her!" He shouted. And then I heard madame pomfrey say to Draco, "And hows that working out for you, how are you helping her."

I heard a chair scrape acrossthe ground and footsteps fade andleave. I crscked one eye and met Mei's. "We need to talk."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2012 ⏰

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