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"You look fine, why are you stressing out?" Your best friend Ashlyn helped you with your make up. You were wearing a light purple dress that went down to your knee's. Your long h/c was in a pony tail with a braid on the left side. You had a light shade of grey eye shadow on as well as mascara. "Why are you dressing up so fancy anyway?" She looked at you curious with a big grin. "Tryin to impress a boy?"

"W-what no of course not, its just monsters have been treated badly recently and unequal" You walked over to the mirror making sure you looked nice. "I just want to show them that I'm nice and will treat them equal like us" A light shade of red came across your face as you thought of the skeleton brothers, mostly Papyrus. "Don't forget to pick me up at ten, till then make yourself at home!" You smiled at Ashlyn and left your small apartment, Ashlyn was spending the night so she was able to pick you up after dark. You walked over to the skeleton brothers house, they were surprisingly only a few blocks away.

You knocked on the skeletons house and the door quickly opened making you jump in surprise. "HELLO Y/N YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL!" Sans was at the door, his smile grew wider as he saw you standing there. You blushed a bit and smiled back as you walked into the house feeling the warmth hit your skin.

Papyrus P.O.V

I heard a knock at the door and heard it open. "HELLO Y/N YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL!" I heard Sans voice from my room. Sans wanted me to dress nice and made me wear a suit though he is still wearing his battle armor. I didn't complain though I wanted to look nice to but it was just a small dinner. I walked out of my room seeing y/n next to Sans by the couch. I blushed a bright orange, my heart (or soul) skipped a beat. She looked beautiful, no she looked incredible. She looked at me, our eyes making eye contact.

I walked over to her and handed her some red roses. Her eyes widened a bit and her smile grew bigger. "You look incredible y/n" I said as she took the flowers and her light red face grew brighter. She hid her face behind the flowers making her look even cuter.

"Thank you Papyrus, you look great as well" She responded softly, her eyes sparkling. Sans looked at the both of us and gave me a evil smile. He pulled us both into the kitchen, catching us both off guard for a bit. We both sat down as he put a plate of taco's in the middle of the table. Y/n was across from me and Sans was in the middle of us.

"You made these Sans?" She asked after taking a bite out of a taco. Sans nodded happily and started to eat some taco's. "They are amazing!" She said cheerful as she ate some more. Her lit up as she ate some more, how could a human be this cute.

Your P.O.V

We finished eating, the sun started to set. Sans looked out the kitchen window as me and Papyrus kept talking. "Hey y/n want to watch the sunset from the roof, me and Papyrus always do it!" Sans voice was calm but still hyper, he could barely hold still. I nodded as Sans grabbed my hand and Papyrus grabbed my other hand. Me and Papyrus blushed brightly as we walked out to the roof.

Papyrus sat down next to me, we were still holding hands not noticing it. Sans disappeared after a while but we kept talking to each other while we watched the sun disappear and the stars show up. I sighed relaxing watching the stars glimmered in the night sky. I rested my head on Papyrus's shoulder, resting against him. He flinched but didn't refuse and wrapped his arm around your shoulders.

We suddenly heard a flash then a click, we both turned to Sans as he put away his phone. Me and Papyrus looked at each other blushing brightly and got up making space between us. Sans had token a picture of us while we were distracted, we got so caught up in the mood. I looked at Papyrus and he gave me an evil smile and tilted his head towards Sans. I smiled back at him nodding my head knowing the plan. Sans looked at us scared and ran into the house quickly giggling. The both of us chased after him, we were gonna delete the picture.

After thirty minutes me and Papyrus sat down on the couch completely tired out. Sans jumped in front  of us, he still had a lot of energy. 'What do you feed him Papyrus!' "YAY THE MIGHTY SANS WINS YET AGAIN!" He smiled brightly jumping in the air. We didn't see the phone on him... we chased him around the house for nothing! Well besides it being kind of fun, I didn't have any siblings so it was fun. You nearly jumped out of your skin as the door bell went off, Sans opened the door and Ashlyn was right there waiting for you.

You said your goodbyes to Sans and Papyrus. You grabbed the roses that Papyrus had given you and you kissed him on the cheek. "Don't forget about that picture" You whispered into Papyrus's ear and he nodded evilly while blushing. You gave Sans a big hug and left with Ashlyn, you could hear Sans questioning Papyrus about why he was blushing.

"So I'm guessing the date went smooth and well?" You blushed brightly and got into her car. She got in as well and smirked evilly waiting for you to answer.

"It wasn't a d-date!" You tried to act normal but thinking about what happened on the roof made you stutter. All the events would kind of make it sound like a date.

"Ya says the girl who has flowers and gave Papyrus a kiss on the cheek!" She started to drive away, she knew that you couldn't fight back against that. You hated how Ashlyn would always win in your fights, she knows you to well. You held the flowers close to your chest as your heart pounded in your chest. 'I don't like him like that... do I?' You looked out the window sleepily, you were completely worn out from the chase. Maybe I should hang out with them again soon, I know he is just a friend' With that you fell into a deep sleep in Ashlyn's car.

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