Love at First Sight?

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"IGNEEL IT'S ME- ....Who the heck are you?" As the pinkette stood there in confusion, the blondes "love" for "Salamander" disappeared As "Salamander" stood there, offended that someone didn't know who he was, he replied to the pinkette; "Who am I?!? I'm Salamander, surely you've heard of me before." The pinkette and his blue cat just walked away, implying their answer. "HEY, WAIT A MINUTE!!!" The so called "Salamander" cried out. Suddenly the fan girls raged and tortured the helpless Natsu. "YOU BETTER APOLOGIZE TO HIM OR WE'RE GONNA RIP YOU TO SHREDS!!!" The fan girls raged. "Now now, that's enough my lovely's, let him go. I'm sure the poor boy didn't mean anything malicious by it." Said the "Salamander", making his fan girls swoon, while the blonde stared with anger in her eyes. "Guess that wasn't him after all." Happy cat told his now broken pink headed friend. "Definitely not him..." Natsu moaned.  "Well, I'm afraid I must be going ladies, i have business to attend to." the so called "Salamander" told his fan girls "YOUR LEAVING ALREADY?!?" The fan girls cried in their love and sorrow.  "Salamander" told his fan girls  that he would have a party on his yacht that night and left on pink fire. "Who the heck was that guy? " Natsu asked himself. "I dunno, but he was a real creep. " The blonde told Natsu and Happy. "Thank you for your help" She told them. "I'm Lucy, its nice to meet you" "Hi" They replied back. Not much later they went to lunch. "Umm, Natsu and Happy was it?" Lucy asked in an uncomfortable manor. "Mhm, your so nice" Natsu replied stuffing his face with food. "Thanks, you can slow down, were not in a hurry." she said as the food soared through the air. "Evedently that salamander was using charm magic, but it's been banned for years! He must of gone through a lot of trouble to get his hands on it. I totally feel victim to it but I snapped out of it thanks to you. I really can't thank you enough." She rambled. "No prob." Natsu said still stuffing his mouth. "It may not look like it but I'm a wizard too. I'm not in guild yet though." "That so?" Natsu and Lucy chatted, Natsu not really paying attention to what she's saying. "Oh man, I almost forgot, you guys came here looking for someone didn't  you?" Lucy said, remembering why they came. "Aye, we're looking  for Igneel!" "We heard a rumor that a salamander  was gonna come through this town, so we came here to see him. Turned out to be someone else." Natsu and Happy explained. They also explained how Igneel is a dragon.  "WHAAAA?!?!?! WHY WOULD A FIRE DRAGON SHOW UP IN THE MIDDLE OF TOWN?!?"  Lucy screamed. Natsu and happy tried to make an excuse but failed to come up with one. "Well I should get going, enjoy the rest of your lunch and maybe I'll see you around." She walked away, only to have Natsu and Happy to worship her. "THANK YOU FOR THE FOOD!"  Natsu and happy worshiped together. "CUT IT OUT YOUR EMBARASSING ME!" Lucy screamed and then walked out of the restaurant.

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