The True Salmander

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Finally, a prince with of pink hair had come to save the maid in distress, Lucy...only to be stopped by motion sickness. "Ah shit, this was a terrible idea.." Natsu mumbled. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!?" Lucy yelled, disappointed by the weakness stopping him. "Yo Lucy! What are you doing here conveniently on the ship right over here?" Happy said, hovering in the air. "Happy! This so called 'Salamander' tricked me! He said he was gonna get me into Fairy Tail, but nooooooo. He just had to use my fangirl obsession over Fairy Tail against me!!!" Lucy vented, Happy not expecting her life story. "Wait...since when did you have wings?" She questioned.  "Since the plot needed convenient transportation!" Happy said cheerfully.  "..............What..." Lucy asked, more confused.   "Eh, fuck it. I'll tell ya later. I'm just gonna..." Happy picked up Lucy  and left the yacht. "Fuck that shit we got places to go, people to see." Happy said, Lucy panicking her ass off. "WHAT ABOUT NATSU?!?!" "I can't carry two people! I'm too damn lazy for that!" Happy told Lucy, making her face palm and regret her life decisions.  "Salamander", wanting Lucy and Happy getting in the way attacked with a fiery, pink flame. Happy dodging the attacks like a demon butler from a different series. "Damn, that cats quick as shit..." The liar known as "Salamander" mumbled to himself. "Hey guys..." Natsu said, starting to get up. "What about the other girls?!" Lucy exclaimed to the flying blue cat.   "One problem....I don't give a shit about them!!!" Happy exclaimed back. Suddenly his wings disappeared, dropping them into the ocean.  Lucy used this to her advantage and got her keys back. On the surface, poor Natsu was being abused by the crew. "Fuck that one chick, might as well keep going toward Bosco." The liar "Salamander" told the crew.  "Ngh...the Fairy Tail guild..." Natsu managed to get out, struggling.  " Your a member?!" He questioned "Salamander".  

Meanwhile, Lucy opened the Gate of the Water Bearer, Aquarius. Sadly this mermaid was a tsun-dere to make things  more difficult.  "Listen up! I need you to use your power to get that ship to port!" Lucy ordered Aquarius, but she gave out an annoyed and disgusted sigh. "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO COME FROM THE SPIRIT WORLD TO HELP NOT GIVE ME ATTITUDE!" Lucy yelled furious. "Look, lets get something straight. If you ever drop- no. if you ever THINK of dropping my key again I will personally kill you, revive you, and then kill you again. Got it?" Aquarius said, death glaring into the celestial mage's soul. "G-got it! I-it wont happen again!" Lucy and happy exclaimed in sudden fear.  Aquarius then used her water magic to make a giant tidal wave and blasted not only the yacht, but Lucy and Happy as well. "What's the big deal?! Could you have at least tried not to sweep me up with the ship!" Lucy said annoyed once they had gotten to shore. "Bitch, bringing the ship was an accident. I was aimming for you, baka." Aquarius snapped at her. "YOU SON OF A-" Lucy yelled before Aquarius interrupted her. "I'm going on vacation for awhile with my boyfriend who totally isn't cheating on me. DO NOT CALL ME. Oh btw he's hot af." Aquarius told her before disappearing back to the Celestial Spirit World, just to make Lucy jealous. "If she bothers you I can eat her!" Happy said hungry. "I can't take anymore of this goddamn cat.." Lucy mumbled under her breath.

"God that hurt..." the "Salamander" mumbled. The pinkette Natsu got up from atop the yacht, and Lucy cheerfully cried out his name. For a few moments, there was silence... "...So you claimed to be a member of the Fairy Tail guild..?"  Natsu said in a disgusted manor. "Yah. What's it to you bukko?" *air quote* Salamander *air quote* replied. "Go get em men!" He ordered the crew members to attack Natsu. "Lemme get a closer look at your deceiving face." Natsu stated. The pinkette then took off the red jacket he was wearing,revealing a red mark on his right arm.. "NATSU! WATCH OUT!" Lucy cried out to Natsu. "Oh don't worry about him, he's a wizard Lucy!" Happy said to the blonde. "YOU'RE TELLING ME THIS NOW?!?!?!?" Lucy yelled in annoyance, a vain popping out of her head. "My name is Natsu Dragneel and I am a Fairy Tail wizard! I HAVE NEVER SEEN YOU SCUM IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!" He cried out. Everyone was in shock from hearing this. "No way! So Natsu is a member of THE Fairy Tail guild!" Lucy exclaimed. "That mark on his arm! This guy is the real deal Bora!" One of the crew members cried out. "Don't call me that baka!!!" the "Salamander", reveled to have the name of Bora yelled. "I know him. That Bora the Great and Powerful. He was kicked out of the Titan Nose guild for being a little bitch." Happy explained. "I have no idea what your trying to do here buddy, and I don't care if your a good guy, bad guy, or what! I AM NOT GOING TO LET YOU DIRTY THE NAME OF FAIRY TAIL!" Natsu shouted in anger. "That so? Well enough talk..Have at you!" Bora attacked Natsu with his pink flames. Lucy cried out Natsu's in fear, as the kidnapped girls escaped. "And that's how the ball rolls. The bigger the talk, the weaker the man." Bora chuckled slyly. But without expectation, the pinkette stated "Oh my god this is disgusting! You sure you really are a fire wizard? Cause dammmnnn these are the nastiest flames I have ever tasted!" Everyone was in utter shock of seeing Natsu eat the flames Bora created. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?!?!? WHO IS THIS GUY?!?!?" Bora screamed. "Fire magic doesn't work on Natsu" Happy explained. "Now I got a Fire in my belly that's raging to get out!!" Natsu then did his attack, the Fire Dragon Roar, causing a huge explosion. "Hey Bora...I swear I've seen this guy before. Pink hair...Scale-ly looking boubt about it. Its gotta be the real one!" Another crew member cried out. "No way...Salamander..." Lucy whispered to herself in awe. "HOPE YOU GUYS ARE PAYING ATTENTION! BECAUSE THIS IS WHAT A FAIRY TAIL WIZARD REALLY IS!!! HERE I COME!!!" the true Salamander shouted and attacked Bora. "So...He eats and then attacks with fire? How dose he do it? Is it some kind of spell?"  Lucy asked in curiosity. "That's  Fire Dragon Slayer magic. He has dragon lungs to breath fire, dragon scales to dissolve fire, and dragon claws to attack with fire." Happy explained to Lucy about Natsu's magic. Natsu made the final blow with his attack: Fire Dragon Iron Fist. With that Bora was sent flying. "That was amazing!....BUT HE OVERDID IT!!!" Lucy screamed and Happy just simply agreed with joy.

The sounds of the Rune Knights can be heard in the near distance. "T-the army!" Lucy shouted in fright. "CRAP! WE GOTTA RUN BEFORE THEY SKEWER US!" Natsu yelled, grabbing Lucy by the wrist and running away. "GAH! WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE YOU TAKING ME?!?!?!" Lucy screamed in anger and slight fear. Natsu took a small stop and turned his head, smiling. "You said you wanted to join Fairy Tail didn't ya?"  Lucy nodded to his question and Natsu smiled more. "Then lets go!" 

And so they ran to the guild known as Fairy Tail, but this is not the end of this story my friends. 

 This is only the beginning. This is only the spark

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