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dan was amazed, he was amazed that he had even gotten noticed by phil in the first place. he never knew he would get a chance to talk to him, since his family was a bit to poor to buy any tickets or stuff to go and meet him. he was glad that he could be able to speak to him. and he earned his facebook as well! that's a bonus!

philip messaged you!

philip: dan! dan!

daniel: phil! phil!

philip: how's the dannyboy doing today?

daniel: in answer to philly's question, dannyboy is doing fantastic now he's talking to philly. ❤️

philip: that's good to hear. ✨

read at 08:25.

dan was lost for words. he hardly even knew how to reply to phil half the time so he mostly read his messages, and forgot to reply. then his phone went ding again...

philip messaged you!

philip: hey, dan ? what's your skype ?

daniel: danisnotonfire1991

philip: amazingphil2022

read at 08:26

dan just couldn't believe it. he had gotten phil lester's skype account! who knows what his family thinks he's doing in his bedroom...

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