chapter 1: smirks and taunts

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a/n: please dont think that this is just another ordinary harry potter inspired fanfic, cause its not, there is way too much things i have instore here, i think outside the box, so that means its not ordinary ;) oh and fair warning, i only update tuesday, thursday and saturday, so if you would like faster updates well......sorry you will just have to wait, and it also depends if im not busy, buuuuut since im good, i will try NOT to be busy :))

enjoy reading!!!

its only the beginning....

Chee :*


"Hey Slithington!" oh great, the voice of death is calling me.

i turned to find his famous smirk plastered on his face, his sunshine bright, blonde hair sitting on his head, his green eyes with hints of mischief and of course, his two big fat ugly goons behind him, with a pug faced female in the middle.

"what now?" i said warily at the boy.

"now now, thats not the tone i wanted to hear" he said still smirking.

oh how i would love to slap that stupid smirk away from the face of the famous, spoiled, rich, attention seeking, prat of a wizarding being...

Draco Malfoy...

ughhh even just the name makes my blood boil!

"oh please, go chug a firewhiskey or something, im not in the mood" i pushed pass him but then didnt get too far because i felt a firm hand around my wrist.

i turned and glared at at him.

"Let go!" i told him in my most intimidating voice that i could have mastered.

surprisingly, he let go.. a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"dont ever touch me, no one touches me" thinking he would be slightly scared.

but his surpruse turned to a playful smirk once again.

"no wonder you're a virgin" he said walking away..

ugggghhhhh i will totally kill him!!!!

as a matter of fact....

how bout i play a little trick....

"Ferolio" i whispered, pointing my precious, black, horntail teeth based wand at him, turning him into an adorable and bareably little ferret.

i should remember to thank moody for showing me how to cast it..

pugface pansy parkinson lifted her wand towards me and cast a spell that i gracefully blocked.

"i hope this time you'll learn not to mess with me"

i walked away for the second time, a smirk playing on the corners of my lips....

oh how i wanted to do that for a long time.

you see, im 17 years old, now on my 5th year at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, along with the famous harry potter and his friends Ron weasley and Hermione Granger, three of whom i have become close with, four of us in the same house, Gryfindor.

though lots of people say i would fit slytherin just as good, with my pale skin, pure black wavy hair, green eyes, ill temper, mischievous ways and sharp tongue.

i was clever for my age as so my professors say, i was good at Defense against the dark arts, potions and transfiguration..

and boy did that get under Hermione's skin.

being a pureblood has its perks....

"Bloody hell Zeigh, you showed that git!" exclaimed Ron who unfortunately saw the whole scene.

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