Chap 4

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By Tempherius

"Ngh..." Zero groaned as he shuffled in his bed sheets. The sun-rays emitting from the window proving too much on his lilac eyes, so the hunter concluded to hiding himself under his blanket.

Suddenly, the events of the past night rushed back. The pain, the pleasure, the chemistry...

The silverette blushed a ripe shade of red in embarrassment.

He slowly pushed the blanket off his body. To his surprise, Kaname was no longer there. His body print still visible on the mattress, with his scent still lingering in the air.

Yet he wasn't there. Strange behaviour for someone who wouldn't leave him alone only a day prior.

Although confused, the hunter proceeded with his morning routine regardless.





Zero groaned. This is why being a prefect sucked. He watched in disappointment as one of they day class girls tried (and failed) at climbing over the wall that blocked the day class from the night class. Sometimes Zero often asked himself if he should start bringing a medical kit during cross-overs.

The hunter watched as the large gates opened, revealing the night class in their full glory. Zero looked at Yuki, who smiled weakly at him. They both knew it was time to prepare for the horde.

Yuki held her arms wide as a barrier, while Zero stuck to his piercing glare.

The night class began walking down the path, much to Yuki and Zero's agony.

"Ah! Stay back!" Yuki yelled in horror, trying her best to block the arms that were so desperate to touch their idols.

The hunter, not struggling at all with the girls on his side being as obedient as ever, was about to stroll over and assist her, although someone had beat him to it.

That person was Kaname. The one pure blood who had been consuming his thoughts as of late.

Zero half expected for Kaname to rush over to him like a dog, as he did many times during his heat, but he did not.

"Thank you for your continual efforts, Yuki." The brunette smiled at her. Something pulled at Zero's gut.


"Thank you Kaname! You're always so kind..."

The brunette simply patted Yuki's cheek with a charming smile on his face. Never did he spare a glance towards Zero's direction.

What the hell?

As the silverette watched his adoptive sister blush at Kaname's loving show of affections, he couldn't help but feel a pull at his heart. The brunette stared at her with a loving look, one Zero hadn't seen until the previous night. The silverette thought that look was reserved for him... and only him. Zero felt his stomach lurch.

Jealousy? Pain? Hurt?

Zero stood still, watching the scene with glazed eyes.

Jealous of what? Pained by what? Hurt by what?

The silverette blinked, before turning around completely. Why had Kaname changed so quickly? Was it because he was over Zero? Did Zero not please him? Was Zero not enough?

Couldn't handle loving a level D?

The silverette placed a hand over his mouth.

Can't handle loving someone you don't love?


Zero shifted in the wooden chair. "He's been different...after we...'consummated.'"

The headmaster fanned his face before looking at Zero with a confused expression. "Hm? That's odd..."

"Yeah, he's avoiding me."

The older man patted his chin. "Hm. That's very strange."

"I know. That's why I asked."

"Well, Zero, he was with you during heat. Meaning, he picked you, not anybody else."

Zero rolled his eyes. "Yup, kinda hurt when I found out."


"Unless?" Zero asked quickly yet hesitantly.

"Sometimes, Zero, when purebloods go into heat, they choose the person closest to them."

"Kaname and I were hardly what you would call 'friends'."

The headmaster frowned, almost ashamed to be doing so. "By closest, Zero, I mean in distance."

Zero froze. His eyes wide yet unmoving.

He was close. Kaname chose him because they were fucking next to each other.

There was no emotional baggage attached; there was no sappy feelings that Zero secretly hoped were there.

He was just a toy. Just a toy. Something that could be disposed when it was no longer found fun.

The hunter, still frozen, smiled weakly. "Ok, yeah, that makes sense."

He actually thought that... a pureblood...with a level D like him...loved...


"Zero? Are you alright?"

The mentioned clawed at the chair's arm. "Yes."


"- Ah Chairman! I was hoping to talk to you about-"

Both the figures in the room glanced towards the voice. It was Kaname, who seemed hesitant to continue his speech when he realised Zero's presence.

He can't even bare the sight of me, thought Zero, brushing against the pureblood as he left the room.

Just so damn pathetic.


NOTES: I h8 u Kaname. y u playin wit Zero like dat bro.

In Heat. [Vampire Knight] Kaze [KanamexZero] (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now