Chap 2

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By TeMpHeriuS

"So? That's it? I have to sit here all pretty and let this animal do whatever he wants with me?" Snarled Zero, pointing an accusing thumb at the brunette pureblood behind him but refusing to look at him.

The headmaster grimaced at Zero's rebellious behaviour. He clasped his hands together and placed them gently onto his mahogany desk. "Zero, he's chosen you. I'm sorry but there's nothing, and I mean nothing you can do until it's over."

The silverette pinched the bridge of his nose in distress. He allowed his eyes to wander over to the ever mysterious brunette sitting beside him, innocently minding his own business.

Zero returned his line of sight back to the office ceiling, a silent prayer leaving his lips in hope of solution. The vampire sighed, "...So there's nothing I can do?"

Coming to a grasp of Zero's despair, the headmaster leaned slightly over his desk. "Well...there-there might be something...seeing as you are desperate..."

Zero's eyes immediately snapped wide open in obvious anticipation. "Why didn't you say it before?"

Kaien frowned. "Because I'm afraid you're not going to like this option..."

"I don't care, as long as this bloodsucker leaves me alone, I'm fine."

The blonde pushed his glasses higher above his nose. "Okay, but you have to piiiinky promise that you'll keep your anger to a minimum." He sadly rubbed the fading footmark on his face with a pout. "And you have to promise you won't hit my face again. Y'know it's hard to look this young at my age! I mean, I use facial products, but they can't prevent bruises and their damage."

Zero looked at his adoptive father with a very disappointed and confused look. Did this 30 something year old man really admit to using facial products? Nevertheless, the silverette slowly nodded in agreement.

"You'll have to... Errr, let's just say, consummate."

Zero's left eyebrow quirked in confusion. "Cross, it's not like I actually pay attention in class."

The headmaster coughed and quickly yet silently whispered "of course you don't".

"What was that?"


"So what does it mean?"

"You'll have to have sex with Kaname!"

Zero gave his adoptive father an utterly confused and lost look. "Excuse me?"

Kaien smiled. "You're going to need to have sex with Kaname! Remember to use contraception, Zero! It's very important. You do know the risks of not doing so. Vampires can't transmit diseases, but accidental pregnancies do happen quite often! Don't get me wrong, I do want grandchildren...but just not right now. I'd say give it a year-"

The Headmaster stopped talking as he realised the empty room and the door being wide open.


Ever since then, Kaname's affection became not so subtle as before, but now, the pureblood was practically carrying the exhuman everywhere.

"Oh for goodness' sake, Kuran let me down!"

The aforementioned stared idly at his 'beloved'. "No."

Zero glared at the brunette, even though he was being bridal-styled carried down the Academy hallway. "Why?"

Kaname's large, chocolate eyes warmed as he nuzzled his head into the side of Zero's neck, inhaling the lily scent. A small moan of pleasure showing on his lips. "Because you are mine."

The silverette groaned, before hearing footsteps coming there way. Then those footsteps stopped abruptly in front of the duo.


The silverette groaned again, only louder.

"What up...with you two?" Asked Kaito, Zero's childhood friend, looking very confused and curious. "Zero... why is...he...carrying you..."

The silverette assumed his friend was concerned for him, but then said friend started to giggle.

At times like this, Zero really contemplated on whether Kaito was qualified to be a teacher seeing as how he was so immature. He often reminded Zero of an adult who would laugh at a basic fart joke.

Kaname, being all too silent in the conversation, was staring daggers at the sandy blonde in front of him. The brunnette giving off an aura of an animal in hunt for it's prey. He wasn't happy with his beloved talking to another male, Zero was his, and his alone. And he certainly wasn't the sharing type.

Unintentionally, the pureblood let out a grunt in displeasure.

The silverette looked up at his carrier; he smirked. He looked back at the laughing Kaito with anger, and then he came up with an idea. "Kaname, get rid of him please."

The brunette was all too happy to comply to the demand. He sprinted across the hallway to Kaito, tackling the hunter to the ground with fierce yet not fatal strength, slamming him into the nearby wall. The taller of the two whailed in pain, before falling unconscious with a bleeding nose.

Zero smiled at his achievement. Kaito laying on the floor like a pig? Priceless! The sandy blonde wasn't seriously hurt, as they've been through worse as children.

Zero was never going to let his childhood friend live this down.

The silverette walked up to Kaname, he gently placed a hand on both sides of the pureblood's face, and stared into the mahogany brown of his orbs. There was no doubt that the brunette was handsome. And the whole 'knocking out Kaito because Zero wanted him to' did turn him on, but he wouldn't admit it. But, he was willing to admit something else.

"Maybe 'consummating' won't be as bad after all, Kuran."

Notes: Consummating literally means sex if ur wondering lol

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